Monday, November 8, 2010

you saw this coming, didn't you?

at the beginning of October, we officially began the adoption process. (!!!!!!!!!!)
we have known for a few years that adoption would be a part of our lives at some point.
we have been waiting on God's timing & direction.

then one day, it was just time.
we both knew it. we both felt peace.

we started prayerfully exploring options.
we have asked God to open the right doors and lead us down His best path for us.
we've asked Him to lead us to our girl. :)

a few days after we made the decision, a couple came to look at our house.
they made an offer.
we signed a contract.
2 days after we were going to take the sign down from the yard.
in an unfavorable selling market.
with no mls number.
no agent.
a sign in the yard and a random craig's list ad.
i tell you all of this to tell you that this was all God. 

a few days after that, we found out that we had a house to rent . . . available now, plenty of room for a family of 6, right down the road, with a pool, on an acre, etc.
only God. 

our life went from feeling like we were on hold, not sure what direction God was leading us, to everything changing but falling into place at the same time.
God knew He was going to turn everything topsy-turvy and He prepared our steps ahead of time.
He has been so faithful (as always) to lead us every step of the way.

the night we got the contract on our house, aj & i got down on our knees for a very long time and asked Jesus what He wanted us to do.
we wanted to make sure sure sure that we were hearing from Him and not jumping ahead of His plan.
by the end, God had told us each, separately that yes, were supposed to sell.
it was time to move on.

there have been even more daily confirmations from God that He is the one running this ship and He's got it all taken care of.
He knows where are daughter is and we trust Him fully to bring us together, in His perfect timing.

we are working on getting everything in order.
which includes getting rid of a TON of stuff.

this weekend we're going to have a yard sale to free ourselves from said stuff and to raise money for our adoption.
all the proceeds from our yard sale will go towards our adoption expenses. :)
if you're local, send me a message and i'll give you info.

the last month has been amazing.
God is paving the way for us.
and we're just hanging on for the ride.

we'd love your prayers as we begin this journey.

we know that God has the cattle on a thousand hills (psalm 50:10).
He can provide every cent for this adoption.
we would love for you to join us in praying that God would open the doors for us and give us the money we need at the right time.
and that we would not give a moment to worry.
please also pray that God would protect us and that we would stay so close to Jesus through this whole process.

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,  but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father!"                                                                                                        ~Romans 8:15

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  1. Sara - I love reading your blog and getting to keep in touch with what's going on in your lives! I have tears in my eyes to think of the incredible things our Lord is doing in and through your faithfulness! :) I'll be praying for your family through this transition and as you wait to see God's work in the life of your family of 6! Love, Amy

  2. Ummm! Yay!!!!! Love that you and your BFF's are in the process together! :) Are you announcing whether its domestic or international? What country? I vote for Ethiopia, if you are taking votes. :)

    Really excited for you guys! Really amazing that so many pieces have fallen together!

  3. This little girl is already blessed beyond words. So happy for you.

  4. I'm so excited for you and your family! Love how you can see God's hand in each step you have been taking!

  5. Yay! You know I am excited! It is fun to go through this with you. It will change your life forever~

  6. i totally saw it coming haha
    YAY!! congratulations. i'll def be praying for you guys :]

  7. You guys are amazing! I am so happy for you and my prayers are with you guys as you take the next steps in your life! Good luck on everything!!!

  8. Awesome, Sara! This is a goose-bump inducing post! You should give that warning on the top. ;) Excited for your little girl to come "home" ;)

  9. I am BEYOND EXCITED for you and your family!! The Lord is so good and has done so much to show you His will in this it is AMAZING. I am so glad you're allowing all of us to go on this journey with you (as spectators, of course)!

    I cannot wait to hear how He'll continue to move in your lives! I'll be praying for you, the financial aspect and the little one you'll be receiving!

  10. This post gave me chills and then made me cry. Our God is amazing! I have to admit that I'm a little bit jealous of you right now. I long with all my heart to be an adoptive mama and I can't wait to bring our little one home at some point. We are still in transition at this point (between houses), and we'd like to be more settled before considering how to introduce the next child into our family.

    Many, many blessings to you. I look forward to following your journey. God is being glorified in your family!

  11. Sooo excited for you guys!!! I love how God works it all out, in His perfect time, leaving no detail to happenstance :) Did you know that we were in the adoption process when I found out I was pregnant?! Crazy!!! Rejoicing w/you and praying for the finances to come forth as you take each step in complete obedience :)

  12. Wow. Such wonderful news! And what an amazing God we serve. It's so encouraging to hear how he is working out every tiny detail in your lives. He is amazing. We will pray with you through this journey. You're going to have a daughter! Yay!!

    What do your boys think about it all?

  13. the boys are beyond excited. they'd like her to come home yesterday.

  14. Wow, what an inspiring post. Praying for you guys! My husband and I have three boys, ages 3 years, 2 years, and 4 months. We have mentioned adopting a little girl here and there...can't wait to see how things work out for you!

  15. Awww...Congratulations!! I hope your yardsale fundraiser is a HUGE sucess! Looking forward to more details on your adoption =)

  16. How amazing! I will be praying for you guys and your future daughter!

  17. so excited to read the announcement! can't wait to hear details if you choose to do so. love, love how big God is and that He allows His people the privledge of adopting, just like He adopted us.

  18. Yay!!!! I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait to follow you guys on this journey! We are praying for your little girl!

  19. Thank you for the reminder of God's faithfulness! He loves to surprise us and do more than we think he can!!!

  20. Congratulations! Adoption will rock your world. In a beautiful way!! We have adopted twice and it truly has changed us. We serve an awesome God.

  21. What a Blessed Redeemer we have. I'll call you soon dear! So happy for you guys and just very proud that you're my friend. :)


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