Tuesday, November 16, 2010

to little rock and back again

what a long day.
it went better than expected, but i'm so glad it's over.

i got texts, emails, & calls all day from friends and family telling us they were praying & checking up on sawyer.
so encouraging.
(you guys rock).

today was sawyer's big day to have an MRI done on his ankle & foot.
we found out on friday that it was scheduled for today.
thankfully the boys were in school all day and my mom was able to keep them for the evening.

we were to check in at noon with the MRI scheduled for 2.
they originally told me he wouldn't be able to have anything to eat or drink (not even water) for the whole day.
i got all weepy on the phone with the nurse when she told me that.
you can't explain that to a 2 year old.

i found out yesterday that he could eat before 6 am and have 8 oz. of juice before 11.
such a relief.
i woke sawyer up at 5:30 this morning to feed him some breakfast & milk.
he ate a bit and then i put him back to bed.
we left for little rock a little before 9.
he drank his 8 oz. of juice on the way.
we checked in to radiology at 12.
we waited in that waiting room for two hours. 
and sawyer did awesome.
i know it is because of all the prayers coming our way.
that is a small, boring place for a 2 year old to be entertained for that long.
he didn't fuss once and didn't ask for food or drink at all.
he normally naps around 12:30 or 1 and we blew right through that as well.
at 2 we went down to the MRI wing.
he got to wear this sweet get up....

fleecy scrubs....so stinkin cute.
we waited in this little room for an hour.
i take that back...we did spend some time walking the halls during this hour & swinging sawyer around.
he asked to go "night night" once and was looking pretty tired, but he was a trooper.
he watched some wiggles.
i took a nap with a pack of diapers for a pillow.

oh and i almost forgot, aj's sister, jill came and hung out with us for almost the whole time.
that was a treat and really kept us sane.
she even brought us chic fil a for dinner.  big highlight.

they sedated him at 3 (not fun to watch) and then we went to wait some more.
after the MRI they decided to send him upstairs to get a steroid shot in his ankle.
so we went to another waiting room.
ate dinner with jill.
then at 5:45 they said we could come back!
then we met sawyer the crazy lunatic coming off anesthesia.
it was sad and humorous at the same time. 
every time i tried to give him his taggie, he threw it away as hard as he could.
he kept trying to rip the i.v. out.
poor little guy.
so we took our crying baby out and headed home....about 45 minutes later a flip switched and he was our happy little sawyer.

long, long day.
i'm glad to be home.
glad we got that over with.
hopeful that the steroid shot will do some work on that arthritis.

thanks to all of you who prayed for & encouraged us today.
it meant the world. Pin It


  1. I'm so glad he did well. : ) I want thinking about you guys and praying for Saw bug all day today. I wanted to call you today, but didn't want to be unprofessional and be on my phone at school.

  2. I'm sorry that life goes on then, to learn life.


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