Wednesday, December 8, 2010

!deacamp orphan care.

i am very excited about this.
did you notice my button on the right?

!deacamp in northwest arkansas in february.

conversations about orphan care and the church.

"Join us for a meaningful conversation about a collaborative movement to bring hope to the orphan."

i love how the church is seeing the oprhan.
and by church, i don't mean a specefic religion.
i mean the body of Christ as a whole.  
have you noticed it?
it seems as though we're finally getting it that we can do something.
we can open our eyes to those sweet hurting babies all over the world and do something.
 i believe that God has a specefic way for each of us to love the orphans and widows. 

have you asked Jesus what He wants you to do?
it's probably more than you think.
and it very well may not be what your friend next to you is doing. 

so looking forward to learning and allowing God to open my eyes even more. 
won't you join us?

!ideacamp * february 25-26 * 2011* northwest arkansas.
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  1. Yep, I'm going to be there, probably will be helping out behind the scenes.

  2. such exciting stuff. i love what God is doing with orphan care in the hearts of his followers!

  3. Northwest Arkansas seems like a really nice place.

    that is all.


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