Thursday, December 30, 2010

we're in love . . .

two weeks ago we celebrated our ten year anniversary.
that used to seem so far away.
and now we are here and it's truly been ten years of bliss.
in honor of the milestone we decided to get lovey dovey pictures taken.
they were taken by the sweet and talented callie granderson.
here are some of our favorites. . .

i'm so glad that we made the time to do this even with the craziness of moving and the holidays.
i think it definitely needs to be an anniversary tradition.

if you're in northwest arkansas, callie is your girl. she does a great job and she gives you the disk full of edited photos so you can print & publish them as you like. Pin It


  1. I simply pray for you two to have so many, many, many, more decades of photos. God Bless you and your man and your marriage.

    It is seemingly impossible to leave your blog without a smile.

  2. Very nice! Congrats on 10 years!

  3. oh my gosh, how could you choose?! those are all killer - and that brick wall is such an amazing backdrop.

  4. These pictures are awesome! You guys look so in love with each other, which is great after 10 years of marriage!


  5. lovely photos! Congratulations on 10 years, and may God bless you with many more!


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