Wednesday, December 15, 2010

a sweet treat

my friend, jenny, is the cupcake whisperer.
seriously her cupcakes are the. best. cupcakes.
look at that pile of frosting.
we had a girl's night the other night and she handed me this box and said, "merry christmas."
ummm, yes, please.
merry christmas to me.
first of all, let's adore the adorable package, the pink ribbon, and the cute pink & green ornament.
she's so crafty, that girl.
such a sweet, thoughtful gift.
it has helped me get into gear...thinking about who i can do something special for.
something unexpected.
i usually get so spread thin this time of year that i don't do all the baking for people that i would like.

what about you all? do you do baking? for your family or as gifts?
got any great {easy} recipes to share with me? Pin It


  1. Sara, I make strawberry bread a lot this time of year--it is very easy to mix together and makes 3 big loaves or 6 small ones. I am giving the big loaves as teacher gifts this year wrapped in a flour sack cloth and tied with tulle with the recipe attached:-) Here is the recipe:

    3 cups flour
    2 cups sugar
    1 1/2 cups oil
    3 eggs
    1 pkg frozen strawberries, cut into small pieces (or 2 cups)
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp cinammon
    1 tsp vanilla

    Beat eggs until foamy. Add sugar and oil and stir. Add strawberries and stir. Add all dry ingredients, stirring after each addition. Bake in 3 large or 6 small loaf pans. For large bake at 325 for 1 hour. I haven't made the small in a while, so I would guess bake for 30 minutes and check it (same temp.) Merry Christmas!


  2. I got some amazing sugar cookies from the oh so talented Jenny. I might even think about how good they tasted in my dreams! Super cute cupcakes!


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