Wednesday, March 17, 2010

in which you learn just how exciting my life is.

in an effort to not forget more of my life than i already have, i'm posting my facebook updates as of late . . .

March 17: 

*making granola with Meliyah. she LOVES to cook with me and she's a good little helper. :)

*"For Christians, St. Patrick's Day is an opportunity to celebrate the moving story of a missionary who dedicated his life to the very people who had enslaved him. It is a time to recognize “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Romans 10:15)." from

*Top o' the mornin' to ya!

March 16:

* did you know that mama vampire bats regurgitate the blood they've sucked from their prey for their baby to eat? this tells me that a mama will do anything for her child.....even read really gross wildlife explorer books.

March 15:

*Taking a walk w/ my sweet boys. Thankful for the sunshine.

* So loving a mama & boys day

March 14:

* Making breakfast burritos. So glad to have AJ back. It's a good day. :)

March 13

* miss my man. ready for this manly retreat to be over now.

March 12

* missing my man but looking forward to girl's night!

March 8

* just overheard aj say: "there's no burping in hug-o-war." :) oh the joys.

* as heard at our house today: AVERY (bringing me his stapler): this piece of crap is broken 
ME: wha? where did you hear that?? 
AVERY: napoleon dynamite

March 7

* high of 68 degrees today!!! i am so excited i can hardly stand it. i plan to spend the entire afternoon outside. mama needs some vitamin D.

just an FYI, i don't do twitter, because i really do not need another addiction.  when i asked someone what twitter was, she said "it's a time suck."  that was all i needed to hear.  my personality combined with "time suck" would not be a good thing.  ;)

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  1. I totally disagree about twitter . . . twitter lets me post status updates and read others' updates without getting sucked into facebook stalking. There's not really anything to do on it than browse updates and move on. I think it actually saves me time that I might have otherwise wasted on facebook.

  2. Oh, and by the way, I love that you're posting your status updates. It's a great way to remember the little things that you might otherwise forget. And how fun for your boys to someday read about some of the day to day thoughts of their mom when they were little!

  3. well, i got the idea from you. :)

    okay, don't tell me that about twitter!!!! :) I want to believe you...but i'm afraid with being able to see anybody i want to on twitter, i might just mindlessly follow way too many people....i know my weaknesses all too well. ;)

  4. HAHA the best one is the napoleon dynamite one!!!

    twitter is neat because you can just send one text and it updates your FB status/your twitter status and if you put in on your blog it will update on there as well...only have to send one text and its all updated!!!

    it actually saves me time...I dont have to get ONTO facebook to update so I dont get sucked into whatever is happening on FB

  5. I actually prefer Twitter to fb now, and I'm so glad I'm on it. I only wish more of my friends and blog stalkees were on it. But it's less of a time-waster than fb for me ... especially because it doesn't house Bejeweled Blitz. ;)

  6. Ok...the comments about Avery is making me laugh out loud!...Napoleon Dynamite...ha!! ha!! I am just picturing Avery say that and your face when he did. : )

    I am with you on the twitter thing. I really don't need anything else that has something to do with the computer. I am trying to cut out time from that as it is (and I don't even get on fb all that much...just answer messages and check updates every now and then).


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