Friday, March 19, 2010

what do you do all day?

this is for all those people who say they could never be a stay at home mom because they'd get bored.
3 crazy kids, a nearly crazy mom and mac's photo booth.

avery wanted to make silly faces.
whenever i try to make a bunch of goofy faces, aj says they're all the same face...with just a slight my eyebrows slightly raised. 
i guess he's right.

it really is good to be queen.
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  1. Uhhh...I didn't see any schooling going on. I'm a little concerned. ha!

    Love the silly faces...priceless!

  2. I love this post and I love you guys!

    I just realized that I haven't read any blogs in 2-3 months, so I'm catching up.

  3. one of my favorite queens - with some of my favorite princes.


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