hello friends!
happy christmas week to you all.
i hope you are having lovely holidays.
the holidays are not over until new years, fyi.
at least not for me...even if the mall has taken down all of their decorations. boo.
we keep our tree up until new years simply because it helps ease the post christmas blues.
plus, we still have one more christmas gathering tomorrow.
we like to spread out our holiday cheer. :)
we've had a great week.
we went to kansas to be with AJ's family for christmas.
we got back wednesday night and had a family day yesterday.
AJ's working today and then we get a three day weekend. very happy about that.
soooo....if you're new here, instafriday is my weekly roundup of cell phone pics using the instagram app on my iphone.
you can also do instagram on an ipad.
you can follow my feed at saragood2bqueen
i hardly took any pictures over christmas because i just didn't feel like it.
but i always have my phone handy, so i was able to capture many festive moments that way.
here we are last friday, all loaded up and on our way to kansas.
{clearly i really like that sweatshirt, i think i've posted 3 pictures of me in it in the last week. it's gap kids, 3 bucks from the thrift store. hate me.}
on christmas eve the boys {minus finley who wanted to stay home} and their cousins went with grandma and grandpa to the christmas eve program.
the rest of hung out at the house and watched dog the bounty hunter, obviously.
nothing says preparing your heart for the birth of Christ like the dog the bounty hunter.
i'm the dog, the big bad dog . . .
AJ's sister, Jill, and i painted christmas nails while we watched.
ruby jane ready for christmas church.
oh mercy, she is just yummy.
she loves to hold her hands together.
she is just such a little lady.
one very special moment on christmas day was avery and his great grandmother playing a duet of silent night.
i received several colorful scarves for christmas.
i'm so happy to have those fun pops of color in my otherwise uber boring wardrobe.
this one is from jill and i love it.
lots of car riding time meant lots of crocheting flowers.
i'm so excited about my giant box of thrifted treasures from kansas.
they have the best thrift shop there that has yard sale prices.
that's my kind of shopping. ;)
avery's birthday is on new years.
he got a big lego set for an early bday present from grandma and grandpa.
he worked on it for hours yesterday.
finley even helped out for a little while.
sweet brothers.
ruby is such a happy, happy girl these days.
we cannot get enough of her.
we were at the pediatrician again morning.
i swear, it feels like we have spent half our life there lately.
people always ask me what it's like having four kids and mostly it's no big thing...the one thing i have noticed is the increase in doctor visits and the c-h-o-r-e it was to pack four children for a trip.
oh mercy, that about did me in.
have a lovely weekend and happy new years!!
won't you join us and link up your weekly snapshots?

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