Friday, December 16, 2011


roaring fire, mantle lit with lights, cozy blanket on the couch = dreamy.

i loooove her sweet little christmas dress.
with white cable knit tights.

have you made the hot fudge sauce yet?
i've already made another batch and just bought ingredients to make more.

i've lost my mind.
i'm nearly done shopping....just a couple of tidbits left to do.
but i am soooo far from done with my projects.
plus i decided to sew SIX stockings. 
which we need by tomorrow morning.
and today's our anniversary.
and i have meliyah today.
and i have other projects and baking i need to finish.
and i stayed up til the wee hours of the morning wrapping presents in my closet.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

i got out of the shower one morning this week to find a frothy cup of coffee and Jesus Calling waiting for me. 
such a good husband, that man.
and it was exactly what i needed....the caffeine and the book. ;) 
i had been dealing with fear the night before and that day's entry was all about fear.  
a timely word. . . 

okay...must get going on that list. 
have a happy friday everyone!!

join the instapartay here....

life rearranged

follow my instafeed @ saragood2bqueen
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  1. Hi Sara. I wanted to tell you I did make your hot fudge sauce - and it turned out wonderful. I was inspired by your 'Just add ice cream' basket, so I copied you and made the fudge and baskets for some co-workers and friends.

    I love your blog and read it faithfully. You have such great ideas, and I love reading about your family. The picture of your daughter is adorable with those big eyes. And her Christmas dress is precious.

    Happy Friday to you!

  2. Wow you sound like a busy women! What a sweet husband, he knows the best way to keep a mama inspired!

    Have a beautiful Christmassy weekend!

  3. I love Ruby.:) Please give her a kiss 4 me.


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