Friday, December 23, 2011


better late than never?
 our week in instapics....

the big boys had three days of school this week.
i savored some sawyer and mama time...doin' a little fishing by the fire.
sawyer loves to play games.

i planned to make six stockings this year.
i made one. 
i am really hoping i go ahead and make the others after christmas so that i get them done.
i've had the fabric for over a year already.

christmas crafting.
i love crocheting. 
i haven't done it in years. 
i am learning to make flowers. i love them.

she is cute.
i can hardly stand it.

found a new store, the vintage violet.
doesn't that just sound like a store you need to go to?
it is as awesome as it sounds.
found this ring for...wait for it....two dollars.
yes. please.

i made a quick version of this when i remembered i didn't have a gift for the student teacher.

sister's getting to be such a big girl.

rockin it at fin's class party.

i love target so much.
they make everything so stinkin cute.
i found all the stuff for a movie night basket for friends.
also love that ho ho ho font.

and now, because i just find him so adorable, here is sawyer singing you a little christmas ditty.

merry christmas!!

link up your instapics here....

life rearranged Pin It


  1. Aw, that video of Sawyer is too cute!

  2. Keep on crocheting flowers girl they are looking great.:)

  3. nice pictures! very cute video of sawyer. have a wonderful MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!

  4. Such an adorable singing voice - makes me miss when my boys were that age. So sweet. I made the pretzel bark you suggested for a couple of last minute gifts - I haven't tried it yet because it's in the refrigerator, but I can't wait. Have a Merry and Safe Christmas.


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