Monday, July 19, 2010

summer art project #4

i got this idea from Meg.

you read meg right? of course you do, what am i asking?
everybody loves meg's whatever blog.  it's so bright and cheery and happy and real.
i don't read a ton of blogs but i do read meg, every single day.

so here's how we did it.
the first time we did castles and the second time we did flowers...geogia o'keefe style.

the boys drew their picture out with pencil.  then i traced it with a sharpee.
then they water colored it.
that's it.
seriously easy.

 the boys looked at the drawings from meg's, as well as these for inspiration.

for the flowers, i told them to draw the petals all the way to the edge of the page.
look at me, i didn't edit out avery's dirty hands and finger nails.
just keeping it real peeps. ;)
and . . . sawyer drank the paint water. yuuuuummmmm.
we used drawing paper, FYI.
it was hot that day.
 avery added some thumb prints & paint splatters to his.
i love watching their minds work creatively.
avery's "The X Castle" and fin's very colorful castle...
and their flowers.

the boys loved this art project.
it kept them entertained for a good while which is always nice.

i love how children come alive when doing art.
i think it's good for their little souls.
a little part of the Creator God coming out in them.

***come back tomorrow for my first ever giveaway!! :)*** Pin It


  1. Fun fun fun! :o) What beautiful pictures you will have to display.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  2. Love it! Also love how "catch a frog" was on your 'completed' list for the summer. :)

  3. Thank you for reminding of me of how simple and fun watercolors are for kids. Can't wait to do this with my kiddos. Found your blog from The Nester :)


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