Monday, May 10, 2010


i had a great mother's day weekend.
i got to spend time with both of my moms who live close.

yesterday morning started off my favorite way....with all my boys piled up around me.
aj gave me an ipod shuffle for my running.  it's so small! i love it.
he put a running playlist on it called, "sara, the runner girl." :)
it starts with U2's beautiful day.  perfect.
i ran 2 miles this morning.  getting a little closer each day to my goal.
i got to take a nice long nap yesterday.  i rarely take a nap so it was a treat.

today is laundry day and meliyah day.  i have a moutain of laundry i'm working my way through.
it's rainy and dreary and pretty cool.  a good day to drink some hot chai, i say.

today is also a day, like every other, to find my one year old up his shenanigans.
i love how he's looking at me like "what?"

 and his other favorite activity. . . digging through the boys' bathroom drawer, dumping the contents into the sink, & gnawing on their toothbrushes.

also, i think he's gonna be crafty like the rest of us.  he already loves to color.

come back tomorrow to see what else i got for mother's day.
it's not your typical mother's day gift.  i bet you'll be surprised. ;) Pin It

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!! Your kiddos are precious!


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