Wednesday, May 19, 2010


little things make me happy.
especially little things that cost one dollar and 50 cents.

remember this mail holder i have in my office?
remember i got it last summer at the thrift store and it looked like this?
pretty, no?

well anyhow, i felt as though it was lacking a little somethin'.

so i picked up these bad boys at Hob Lob
i quickly typed up the words i wanted & printed them out on scrap paper.
a little glue dot later and now we're cooking with gas!

a quick little project to keep me sane until i have time to do another big project.
you know my mind is just always spinning with projects.
so many ideas (and so many kids incidentally), so little time! Pin It


  1. the next time you happen upon another one of those for $1.50...please by it for your friend Jenny...that is worth SEVERAL dozen cupcakes. Seriously...that was a good find. Kinda makes me mad!

  2. I love it... it's perfect now!

  3. So cute and I love the color paint...where did you pick it up?

  4. jenny are you talking about the spare parts? b/c those are always 1.50 at hobby lobby if you go when the scrapbook stuff is half off. The mail holder...i can't even remember how much i paid for it, but i'm sure it was around a dollar. :) i wish we lived in the same town and could go thrifting together!

    pine tree home, the paint is krylon spray paint...can't remember the color name.


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