Sunday, May 23, 2010

one million arrows blog tour!

remember this post?
did you watch the video?

a few months ago i was asked by Julie Ferwerda, author of One Million Arrows to join the blog tour to spread the word about her book.

i just finished it this weekend and it is so, so good.
i could hardly put it down and i underlined on almost every page.

here's a summary from the website:
Will the world change our children...or will our children change the world? Time is short and lives are at stake. Right now, God is inviting our families to become part of a bigger story—a vision that will engage hearts to make a radical difference. One Million Arrows is an inspirational call to raise our kids to impact their culture, community, and world for Christ. If we want our kids to discover their purpose, if we want them to live with passion for the Kingdom, if we want our family to go down in His-Story, accept the mission...and leave a mark for eternity.

well i definitely want my kids to change the world, not the other way around!
i've been reading passages of the book out loud to AJ because it's just so good.
the timing of this book is amazing.
God has been changing us and challenging us more and more to detach ourselves from this world and attach ourselves more to Him and to Heaven, our real home.

Psalm 127:4 says, "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth."

in the book Julie writes about our children being arrows that we sharpen to then be launched for God's work. she highlights several families that are already in the process of shaping their arrows and how they're doing it.

i underlined so many passages from One Million Arrows that i can't share them all (you should just read the book yourself) but i love this one:
"Raising arrows isn't just another formula to follow or another list of to-do's.  It's a mentality, a lifestyle, and a change of priorities that permeates the whole family's lives and schedules, centering everyone on God's priorities and plans.  It's rejecting the status quo of settling into the patterns of this world (Romans 12:1-2) and asking ourselves every day, "How can my family glorify God today? How can we train our kids to think about living for the big picture and not just for the here and now? How can we live for others instead of being out for ourselves?" And most importantly, How can I be the spiritual leader my children need today?"

she also writes a lot about investing in orphans and orphan causes worldwide. she says, "The earth is not our home. It's more like a stay in a temporary hotel room.  Why would we invest a ton of money into something that we're not going to stay in permanently-something that's really not ours to keep?"

i believe every christian family should read one million arrows.
after AJ gets done reading it, i'm going to read it again and try to soak up some more.

we get one chance at this life on earth and we want to live it well.

i really encourage all my sweet readers to check out the one million arrows website.  there are many great tools and resources there. also grab the book at your library or amazon or bookstore and get your highlighter ready!

oh and the best part, ALL profits from the book go to international orphan care and ministry! Pin It


  1. Just downloaded the book to my kindle. Looking forward to reading it! We have got to get together soon. I want to see your tatoo in person. :)

  2. Christy, I'd love that! We should do a play date soon. :)

  3. Thanks for the info about the book, Sara... I'm definitely going to read it.

  4. This book has truly impacted my life and I am excited to share it with my blog friends as well. Isn't it neat to meet people who have kindred hearts?


  5. Sara - Got your comment on our blog... thank you :). If you EVER want to think about a family mission trip, Honduras would be wonderful. We took our two oldest during spring break and they served their hearts out. It was confirmation that Puerto Lempira was the place God had called our entire family. I'll keep up with you and yours.


  6. I agree. I loved the book also!


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