Wednesday, May 5, 2010


this is avery's last week of school.  woo to the hoo.  so excited for a break from homeschooling.  so looking forward to the relaxing, laid back days of summer. 

last night we had a girls' night out for my friend ashley's birthday.  we laughed so hard . . . it was a blast.  AJ watched the boys (obviously) and ashley's kids.  so he had 6 kids ages 7 and under. yes, he is a stud. and a servant. and i love him. and i can't believe i get to have that awesome of a man.  i'm so blessed.
i look even shorter than normal in this pic. 
in my defense, the other girls are wearing big ol' heals and i was wearing flip flops.

guess who's a runner now?  
that's right, i'm scheduled to run my first 5K in June.
and some of those lovely ladies in the pic are gonna run it with me!
AJ's got a whole schedule worked out for me.  
which is a good thing because i am a slacker.
i ran 1.75 miles this morning. 
there was a lot of panting "i can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" over and over. 
it seems so much harder to run on the treadmill than running outside. 
and my room seemed to be one bazillion degrees.  i'm pretty sure it was.

i don't know how i'm gonna get up to 3 miles, but it may be from sheer will on AJ's part.  
between waking me from a dead sleep, to setting out my running clothes, to making me coffee . . . he's got his own work set out for him.

hopefully in a month i'll be able to do a post that says "i did it!"
and this better make those love handles go away or i'll be mad!

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  1. yah for you on doing the 5K. just think, on the day you run it, you can say, "yeah, it is 8:30 am and i have already ran 3 miles today! what have you done?"

  2. I know all about waking you up in the mornings!!!!

  3. Oh Ruth Lee! Yes you do! Now don't you feel sorry for AJ? ;) Unfortunately for you but fortunately for AJ I'm a LOT better than I used to be!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Come on, Sara, you've been a runner for a while. We've run together several times! But your first official race, that's exciting! You can totally do it. Just come on down if you want to do some more hill training! :)

  6. Way to go super girl!! I'm cheering for you all the way!!

  7. I am so excited for you!! You can do it! Keep it up and you can come run a 1/2 marathon with me in October! :)


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