Monday, August 15, 2011

first day of school

the first day of school always makes me think of the first day of school episode of the cosby show.
here's a clip just in case it's not etched in your memory like it is mine. ;)

love that show.

we had such a great family weekend.
we wanted to spend some really good, intentional time with the boys before they started school today.
we had a fun evening with friends friday night, got donuts saturday morning, went to the lowes build and grow clinic, climbed a climbing wall, watched a movie together, swam, made cookies, played, etc.
we put the boys to bed earlier last night and had a great time of praying over each of the boys.
i am so thankful that they were both so excited to start school today.
i have been really nervous all summer about switching schools.
this is the first time that my boys will be gone from me 5 days in a row, every single week.
i really haven't been nervous for myself, because i know i'll get good focused time with them in the afternoons & evenings.
i've been nervous for how their little hearts would handle the change.
needless to say, i've been praying a lot.
i cannot tell you how thankful i am that they were ready and excited to go.  that is huge.

they reallllyyyy wanted to wear their new tennis shoes even though i wished they would have picked their cute matching flip flops.
i was outvoted.
aj said they could run & play better in their tennis shoes than flip flops.
i told him, when our girl goes to school, i get to pick what shoes she wears.

can you tell that finley is leaning away from avery?
avery kept leaning over like he is soooo much bigger than fin.

sawyer insisted on wearing his tennis shoes like the big boys.

he thought he was going to school too and kept asking where his backpack and cwasswoom were.

they were pretty nervous once we got there this morning.
it's a much bigger school with a lot more people.
and they didn't know a soul.
this was the only moment i teared up a little.
there was a whole group of boys who knew each other and were talking and avery was just sitting there watching them.
broke my heart!
aj kept reminding me that they are sweet boys and will make friends in no time. :)
other than that i didn't tear up at all.
which is pretty darn amazing for me.

i was so proud of my boys today and so thankful that God gave us all such peace.

when i picked them up today that were both exclaiming to me how awesome it was and how much they liked it.
so, so thankful.  

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  1. Wow, you guys start school really early! We start in two weeks and I thought THAT was early. Your boys are some of the cutest little fellas I've ever seen. Glad they had a great first day! And where did you get their backpacks ;)

  2. Love it that they had a great day! Your boys are C-U-T-E!!!

  3. Thank you for documenting this! Avery and Finley are looking so old and handsome. I struggle with sending Drew to public school, but besides being what I believe God has for our family, it is an opportunity to PRAY for him. I can't tell you how many times since the class list came out that i've said, "God loves him even more than I do." and it's true. and your boys will be a LIGHT wherever they go because even at such a young age they are rooted and grounded in their faith.

  4. I went to high school with Finley's teacher-Katie. She is a sweet sweet believer.

  5. awwww, so cute. watch, in a few days you will be like, what? i was nervous before? well, they love it now....they will adjust to a new school sooooo do that. have a good week.:)

  6. They are so adorable! Glad they enjoyed their first day of school.


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