Tuesday, August 9, 2011

how we've stayed cool this summer.

one of the biggest perks of renting a house this year is the pool.
it. is. awesome.
we practically live in that thing.

we weren't sure how it would be...we never thought we'd live in a house with a pool.
it has been the biggest blessing.
it's a salt water pool so it has been really low maintenance. 

now we are spoiled and want to live in a house with a pool forever.
i'm pretty sure we have swam in it every single day since we opened it.

as soon as aj gets home from work, he changes his clothes and jumps in.
the boys love it when he swims.
he does fun things like jumping contests and bull rides.

i do really exciting things, like hang my big belly off a raft and float around.

i've always loved the water but it is especially wonderful when i'm big pregnant.

it's been so great because i don't have the energy to do much these days, but the boys can get their energy out in our back yard, even if it's over 100 degrees for a month straight. ;)

the boys love to go down the slide & land on a raft.

sawyer has no fear.
he goes off the diving board & slide over and over.

and he's a bit of a goober.....a really adorable goober.

meliyah and her brother kk have come over to swim a few times.

it's been fun to watch them get more comfortable in the water.

the boys love to cheer them on. :)

i'm hoping we have many more days of swimming ahead, even with school starting next week.
judging from the weather so far, we should have swimming weather for a while. :)

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1 comment:

  1. You make me want to sell my house so I can go rent one. We do not have such fancy things as below ground pools in Idaho. that would be the equivalent of DisneyLand out the slider door.

    So glad that God blessed you with a way to stay blissfully cool in all that heat. Lucky, lucky, lucky ducks ;)


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