how's that for a clever title?
yesterday was a pretty dumpy day.
one of those days you just want to go to bed and start over the next day.
praise Jesus, His mercies are new every morning.
one bright spot in our day was the boys' dentist appointment.
yes, i'm serious.
look at this place.
my boys love to go to the dentist.
who wouldn't, when the waiting room looks like this?
it's basically a play land, and oh-by-the-way, you get your teeth checked.
the fish tank has all the fish from finding nemo in it.
sawyer loved it and was saying "nemo!" and "nemo's daddy!" over and over. :)
my older two boys are rock stars at the dentist...seriously, who wouldn't be?
they have bubble gum flavored gloves.
yes, the technician is wearing a hot pink formal.
she was also wearing chuck taylors.
sawyer was a bit of a pill.
no x-rays for him.
i love that they do all the boys at the same time.
they are watching movies in the ceiling.
they each have their own movie.
ummm, is this what your dentist is like? this is not how i experienced the dentist, that's fo sho.
even at the cushiest dentist imaginable, sawyer still nearly bit the lady's finger when she tried to brush his teeth.
how dare she.
so, he was not great.
but he still got a prize and a sticker.
each boy gets a coin to use in the toy machine when they're done.
the boys are counting the days until they get to go back.
Pin It
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
stop the world.
did you see it?
that new button over there in my side bar?
i said i would be the last person to do it.
a friend said it's a "time suck."
so i really wasn't gonna do it.
but after the !deacamp orphan conference where everyone was communitcating via twitter plus the whole of blogosphere seems to communicate that way....i caved.
i decided to quit being a stick in the mud and join the party.
so if you're interested in knowing the super thrilling ramblings of my day, you can now follow me via twitter.
<-----click this button :)
and if you have any great twitter tips or people/places i need to follow, let me know.
maybe i can even get to know some of my sweet readers fun! Pin It
that new button over there in my side bar?
i said i would be the last person to do it.
a friend said it's a "time suck."
so i really wasn't gonna do it.
but after the !deacamp orphan conference where everyone was communitcating via twitter plus the whole of blogosphere seems to communicate that way....i caved.
i decided to quit being a stick in the mud and join the party.
so if you're interested in knowing the super thrilling ramblings of my day, you can now follow me via twitter.

and if you have any great twitter tips or people/places i need to follow, let me know.
maybe i can even get to know some of my sweet readers fun! Pin It
Monday, March 28, 2011
one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.
i'm happy to report that our spring break week was wonderful.
so nice to take a break from routines, schedules, & homeschool.
before my kids were in school, spring break was just the same as every other week except that i didn't get to have mother's day out or bible study. i did not appreciate it.
now i look forward to it as much as the kids do.
and even better...we're on the home stretch of school... 6 weeks of school left!!
one day this week a couple of friends and i took our brood of 11 kids to the oklahoma aquarium.
it was so fun!
they have a lot of tanks at kid level and many that they are allowed to touch.
very cool.
i love an activity that is fun for my 8 year old as well as my 2 year old.
we ate lunch outside & the kids got to play in a giant sandbox.
my friend stacy and i sat on the edge and daydreamed about being at the beach.....
there was an exhibit with raised pools that held creatures the kids could touch.
they could have stayed there for hours.
i had to remind sawyer several times to be gentle with the starfish.
poor little starfish....didn't even know what was coming....let's stop and take a moment to say a prayer for the little guy. amen.
no, they couldn't be bothered to roll up their sleeves.
petting the stingrays creeped me out a little.
the last thing we did was go through the shark tunnel....right after feeding time.
there were a ton of them, swarming all around.
i tried to put sawyer up there on that ledge with them, but he was not having it.
he had a death grip on me.
he said "da sharks are scawy."
i pretty sure finding nemo is to blame here.
so nice to take a break from routines, schedules, & homeschool.
before my kids were in school, spring break was just the same as every other week except that i didn't get to have mother's day out or bible study. i did not appreciate it.
now i look forward to it as much as the kids do.
and even better...we're on the home stretch of school... 6 weeks of school left!!
one day this week a couple of friends and i took our brood of 11 kids to the oklahoma aquarium.
it was so fun!
they have a lot of tanks at kid level and many that they are allowed to touch.
very cool.
i love an activity that is fun for my 8 year old as well as my 2 year old.
we ate lunch outside & the kids got to play in a giant sandbox.
my friend stacy and i sat on the edge and daydreamed about being at the beach.....
there was an exhibit with raised pools that held creatures the kids could touch.
they could have stayed there for hours.
i had to remind sawyer several times to be gentle with the starfish.
poor little starfish....didn't even know what was coming....let's stop and take a moment to say a prayer for the little guy. amen.
no, they couldn't be bothered to roll up their sleeves.
petting the stingrays creeped me out a little.
the last thing we did was go through the shark tunnel....right after feeding time.
there were a ton of them, swarming all around.
i tried to put sawyer up there on that ledge with them, but he was not having it.
he had a death grip on me.
he said "da sharks are scawy."
i pretty sure finding nemo is to blame here.
i was a little nervous to do a big trip like this without aj's help and with so many kids....but it was really so great.
educational and entertaining = win-win.
Pin It
Friday, March 25, 2011
public service announcement
you wanna know something i LOVE this time of year?
holy cow, they are so good.
before you get all grossed out and think they are a mini version of those cadbury eggs with sugary sweet yolk in the is a picture of the bag {so you can run to the store and by some yourself. you can thank me later.}
{so sorry it's backwards, i took it with my webcam}
the description is "solid milk chocolate with a crisp sugar shell. "
there is something about that sugar shell that is so darn addicting.
the only thing that would make them better is if they were dark chocolate.
i hide a stash in my desk drawyer and eat a few {or 20} when i get the hankerin.
now run to the store right now and buy yourself some. you are welcome.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
spring break, day 2.
we're having a wonderful spring break week.
the weather couldn't be better. 60's and 70's all week.
i think i am loving this no homeschooling a little too much.
it's amazing how much more i can get done around the house.
we've had a couple of play dates with friends and have more coming up.
i've slept in until the boys pile on top of me in the morning.
i've been reading Kiss by Ted Dekker . . . i love a good novel.
the boys and i hiked around lake fayetteville.
we've done a whole bunch of playing and relaxing.
such a fun break from the routine.
makes me really look forward to summer.
the beginning of spring at this rent house has been like opening a present.
we moved smack in the middle of winter, so i had no idea what was in store for us in the plant department.
it seems like some new plant is popping its head out every day.
the boys and i love going around the yard exploring all the new spring beauty.
it's been such a fun surprise to see all the many plants coming to life.
i think there are irisis popping up...which i LOVE.
and strawberries. {yay!}
and many things that are still a mystery to me.
i love these bushes because they just yell spring to me......the beautiful red flowers poking their heads out of an otherwise bare plant.
love this purple clad you see the nest? :)
the blossoms smell soooo good.
another super fun surprise . . .yesterday i started feeling her move & kick. :)
today i have felt her move all day.
what an enormous gift and blessing it is to carry a child.
i am so, so thankful. Pin It
the weather couldn't be better. 60's and 70's all week.
i think i am loving this no homeschooling a little too much.
it's amazing how much more i can get done around the house.
we've had a couple of play dates with friends and have more coming up.
i've slept in until the boys pile on top of me in the morning.
i've been reading Kiss by Ted Dekker . . . i love a good novel.
the boys and i hiked around lake fayetteville.
we've done a whole bunch of playing and relaxing.
such a fun break from the routine.
makes me really look forward to summer.
the beginning of spring at this rent house has been like opening a present.
we moved smack in the middle of winter, so i had no idea what was in store for us in the plant department.
it seems like some new plant is popping its head out every day.
the boys and i love going around the yard exploring all the new spring beauty.
it's been such a fun surprise to see all the many plants coming to life.
i think there are irisis popping up...which i LOVE.
and strawberries. {yay!}
and many things that are still a mystery to me.
i love these bushes because they just yell spring to me......the beautiful red flowers poking their heads out of an otherwise bare plant.
love this purple clad you see the nest? :)
the blossoms smell soooo good.
another super fun surprise . . .yesterday i started feeling her move & kick. :)
today i have felt her move all day.
what an enormous gift and blessing it is to carry a child.
i am so, so thankful. Pin It
Friday, March 18, 2011
random fridey thoughts.
i used to work with a lady that pronounced friday, "fridey."
just thought you should know.
not only is today friday, but it is the friday before spring break!!
woo to the hoo.
we are not going anywhere exciting at all.
which i am just fine with because that means i don't have to pack.
although i'd do just about anything to have a full week with my husband.
i really do hate packing though.
so my plan for spring break is to sleep. in.
no home school means i can get up when the boys do and then we can just play.
it will be warm so i see the park in our future.
there will probably be some fun spring break activities going on around town that we'll participate in as well.
and do you see my new header??!!!
love it.
kira @ kissing the joy as it flies made it for me.

she is so sweet and she is a boy mama so we get each other. :)
she also made me a fun you see it over there in my sidebar? --------->
i love how you meet kindred spirits over the world wide interwebs. so great.
also, you should check out her blog if you need a laugh because on friday she does "fess up fridays" and it's always hilarious. :)
and seriously i am so thankful that people know how to do things on the computer and can help a girl out!
thank you kira!!!!
also, my stomach is getting large and in charge.
i need to take a picture to show you...hopefully this weekend.
i wore my first maternity shirt this week and my jeans are about to give.
the rubber band trick has about had it.
it's pretty painful.
i just have not wanted to give myself over to full blown maternity clothes yet.
i think it's time to accept it.
and do you want a confession?
i watched the entire season of the bachelor. every. episode.
i know. for shame.
we don't even have cable and i found a way to watch smut.
in my defense, i am a hopeless romantic and i love a love story.
seriously...i am pitiful.
okay, now i must run clean the kitchen since it's still messy from breakfast.
you can't walk across the floor with out getting crumbs on your feet.
how's that for a confession for ya? :)
happy weekend, y'all!! Pin It
just thought you should know.
not only is today friday, but it is the friday before spring break!!
woo to the hoo.
we are not going anywhere exciting at all.
which i am just fine with because that means i don't have to pack.
although i'd do just about anything to have a full week with my husband.
i really do hate packing though.
so my plan for spring break is to sleep. in.
no home school means i can get up when the boys do and then we can just play.
it will be warm so i see the park in our future.
there will probably be some fun spring break activities going on around town that we'll participate in as well.
and do you see my new header??!!!
love it.
kira @ kissing the joy as it flies made it for me.

she is so sweet and she is a boy mama so we get each other. :)
she also made me a fun you see it over there in my sidebar? --------->
i love how you meet kindred spirits over the world wide interwebs. so great.
also, you should check out her blog if you need a laugh because on friday she does "fess up fridays" and it's always hilarious. :)
and seriously i am so thankful that people know how to do things on the computer and can help a girl out!
thank you kira!!!!
also, my stomach is getting large and in charge.
i need to take a picture to show you...hopefully this weekend.
i wore my first maternity shirt this week and my jeans are about to give.
the rubber band trick has about had it.
it's pretty painful.
i just have not wanted to give myself over to full blown maternity clothes yet.
i think it's time to accept it.
and do you want a confession?
i watched the entire season of the bachelor. every. episode.
i know. for shame.
we don't even have cable and i found a way to watch smut.
in my defense, i am a hopeless romantic and i love a love story.
seriously...i am pitiful.
okay, now i must run clean the kitchen since it's still messy from breakfast.
you can't walk across the floor with out getting crumbs on your feet.
how's that for a confession for ya? :)
happy weekend, y'all!! Pin It
Thursday, March 17, 2011
around here this week. . .
smoothie mouths.

i love having toys down here on these shelves now.
it's not all of their toys so it's not overwhelming.
it really helps with sawyer during home school days.
the big boys can take turns entertaining him in there if the other boy needs to concentrate.
playdough also helps.
i love playdough.
it's the best invention ever.....besides legos.
i know some mamas hate the stuff. i get that.
but we love it.
good for the fine motor skills.
keeps sawyer happy and occupied during school work.
fosters that creative thinking.
we keep all the play dough & accessories in a plastic bin.
we pull it out, grab a placemat, & he's good to go.
it takes 2 minutes to clean up.
love it.
sawyer also thinks it's hilarious to lift his shirt up and show everyone his tummy.
it probably doesn't help that his older brothers laugh hysterically every time he does it.
and yes, we do home school in our jammies.
every time.'s going to be in the 70's for a week. hip hip horray.
and may i remind you....i'm having a girl!!!! :) Pin It
Friday, March 11, 2011
seriously, we are over the moon.
okay let me start from the beginning.
yesterday aj and i went in for my routine, monthly check-up.
the doctor quickly listened to the heartbeat and then put the monitor in his pocket.
we were talking about something else, who knows what.
when i sat up, i asked him what the heart beat was.
he said it was 158.
i smiled at aj and said, "it's a boy."
i was thinking about the fact that i've seen that heartbeat before....three times, in fact.
the doctor asked us to remind him what gender children we had at home.
i told him we had three boys.
he said, "oh forget it, it's a boy."
i nodded and said, yeah, i'm assuming it is.
he went on to explain something about how some women have certain ph balances that are more inclined for one gender or the other, blah, blah, blah.
aj and i were kind of joking about that when the doctor asked if we had a minute.
he said we could do a quick ultrasound to check the gender if we wanted.
we have our official ultrasound next month so we were thrilled to get to have one earlier.
we went into the ultrasound room and i said, "we're looking for a pee-pee."
i told her about the heartbeat and she said "those can be deceiving."
so aj and i were looking up at the big tv on the wall.
i was saying, "hi buddy" and looking at the sweet little hands and face moving all around.
i was so happy to get to see my baby.
there is nothing like it.
instant love.
aj & i both thought we saw a little boy pee-pee.
i asked him if he saw it.
he said, yes.
then i hear the ultrasound tech talking, but her words aren't making sense.
she said, "well you got lucky this time, it's a girl."
"what???????" {insert very confused face here}
"it's a girl."
"no, it's not."
"yes, it's a girl."
aj told me later i told her "no it's not" about five times.
i kept asking if she was sure.
she was sure.
i told her i thought we saw little boy parts.
apparently i should not be trying to read ultrasounds.
she said no, that's a little girl.
i put my hands over my face and bawled.
aj was grinning ear to ear, kissing me on the head.
i asked her to check one more time.
i just could. not. believe it.
i think that is the most surprised i have ever been in my whole life.
i felt like i was in shock.
i could not wrap my brain around what she was saying.
it was like i was hearing the words, but they weren't making sense to me.
i think i stared at aj with my mouth open for the longest time.
we walked out of the office in a daze and went to get coffee.
we kept saying, "can you believe it?" over and over.
we have not stopped smiling since.
it's hard to believe this is real.
i feel so overwhelmed with thankfulness and joy.
i keep telling Jesus how sweet He is to me.
to bless me with the desire of my heart. . . that i didn't even know i had.
a daughter.
i can hardly fathom it.
i am so crazy in love with my three boys.
i am so glad God gave them to me.
and now i get to have a daughter as well.
my cup overflows. Pin It
okay let me start from the beginning.
yesterday aj and i went in for my routine, monthly check-up.
the doctor quickly listened to the heartbeat and then put the monitor in his pocket.
we were talking about something else, who knows what.
when i sat up, i asked him what the heart beat was.
he said it was 158.
i smiled at aj and said, "it's a boy."
i was thinking about the fact that i've seen that heartbeat before....three times, in fact.
the doctor asked us to remind him what gender children we had at home.
i told him we had three boys.
he said, "oh forget it, it's a boy."
i nodded and said, yeah, i'm assuming it is.
he went on to explain something about how some women have certain ph balances that are more inclined for one gender or the other, blah, blah, blah.
aj and i were kind of joking about that when the doctor asked if we had a minute.
he said we could do a quick ultrasound to check the gender if we wanted.
we have our official ultrasound next month so we were thrilled to get to have one earlier.
we went into the ultrasound room and i said, "we're looking for a pee-pee."
i told her about the heartbeat and she said "those can be deceiving."
so aj and i were looking up at the big tv on the wall.
i was saying, "hi buddy" and looking at the sweet little hands and face moving all around.
i was so happy to get to see my baby.
there is nothing like it.
instant love.
aj & i both thought we saw a little boy pee-pee.
i asked him if he saw it.
he said, yes.
then i hear the ultrasound tech talking, but her words aren't making sense.
she said, "well you got lucky this time, it's a girl."
"what???????" {insert very confused face here}
"it's a girl."
"no, it's not."
"yes, it's a girl."
aj told me later i told her "no it's not" about five times.
i kept asking if she was sure.
she was sure.
i told her i thought we saw little boy parts.
apparently i should not be trying to read ultrasounds.
she said no, that's a little girl.
i put my hands over my face and bawled.
aj was grinning ear to ear, kissing me on the head.
i asked her to check one more time.
i just could. not. believe it.
i think that is the most surprised i have ever been in my whole life.
i felt like i was in shock.
i could not wrap my brain around what she was saying.
it was like i was hearing the words, but they weren't making sense to me.
i think i stared at aj with my mouth open for the longest time.
we walked out of the office in a daze and went to get coffee.
we kept saying, "can you believe it?" over and over.
we have not stopped smiling since.
it's hard to believe this is real.
i feel so overwhelmed with thankfulness and joy.
i keep telling Jesus how sweet He is to me.
to bless me with the desire of my heart. . . that i didn't even know i had.
a daughter.
i can hardly fathom it.
i am so crazy in love with my three boys.
i am so glad God gave them to me.
and now i get to have a daughter as well.
my cup overflows. Pin It
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
little saw buddy
our little sawyer is at such a fun age.
he's 2 and just about everything he says is adorable. just about.
i will say he has also been really testing his will lately.
so it helps to remind myself of all the cute things that come out of that sweet little mouth of his. :)
so here are some of my favorite sawyerisms....
"bye-bye, see you waiter" {anytime he decides to run away from me}
"heyyyyyyy" {said in a very low voice when you're doing something he doesn't like}
"He hurrrrt me" {said when he hurts someone else. or when he does something wrong, he says the toy hurt him.}
"choo choo hain"
"fuit snacks, fuit snacks, fuit snacks. . . " {said everytime he gets in his car seat}
"i want cozy" {i want a blanket}
"hold you" {when he wants to be held}
"das right" {whenever we're going over colors or animals, etc. he asks me what color it is and when i say the color, he says, "red, das right."}
"yesh" {yes}
we are crazy about our little sawyer.
he gives us so much joy. :) Pin It
he's 2 and just about everything he says is adorable. just about.
i will say he has also been really testing his will lately.
so it helps to remind myself of all the cute things that come out of that sweet little mouth of his. :)
so here are some of my favorite sawyerisms....
"bye-bye, see you waiter" {anytime he decides to run away from me}
"heyyyyyyy" {said in a very low voice when you're doing something he doesn't like}
"He hurrrrt me" {said when he hurts someone else. or when he does something wrong, he says the toy hurt him.}
"choo choo hain"
"fuit snacks, fuit snacks, fuit snacks. . . " {said everytime he gets in his car seat}
"i want cozy" {i want a blanket}
"hold you" {when he wants to be held}
"das right" {whenever we're going over colors or animals, etc. he asks me what color it is and when i say the color, he says, "red, das right."}
"yesh" {yes}
we are crazy about our little sawyer.
he gives us so much joy. :) Pin It
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
how i do
so . . . i thought i'd show you how i paint furniture.
i don't do it the right way.
if you want to learn the right way to paint...head over to young house love & get yourself educated.
they do a wonderful job and have a bazillion tutorials.
i however, do not have the attention span for long, drawn out processes.
i like immediate results, so that's how i paint.
the only time i've painted something the right way was when i painted my dining room table.
i knew it would get used mulitple times a day, so i needed to do it right.
but everything else i paint is usually on the spur of the moment, during naptime, as quickly as my little hands can go.
i didn't want to sand and i didn't want to haul our ent. center outside, so i got paint & primer in one.
it's a little more expensive but it covers well & saves me valuable time.
i scooched {that's the technical term} a flattened cardboard box under the piece to protect the carpet.
finley and i watched let's make a deal while i painted.
i don't take the doors off.
wanna make something of it?
i often don't paint the inside of the doors.....this time i did.
i painted 2 coats.
aj likes to take pictures of me while i'm doing projects.
i was just touching up a scratch here....
so there you go.
the a.d.d. girl's guide to painting furniture. :)
Pin It
i don't do it the right way.
if you want to learn the right way to paint...head over to young house love & get yourself educated.
they do a wonderful job and have a bazillion tutorials.
i however, do not have the attention span for long, drawn out processes.
i like immediate results, so that's how i paint.
the only time i've painted something the right way was when i painted my dining room table.
i knew it would get used mulitple times a day, so i needed to do it right.
but everything else i paint is usually on the spur of the moment, during naptime, as quickly as my little hands can go.
i didn't want to sand and i didn't want to haul our ent. center outside, so i got paint & primer in one.
it's a little more expensive but it covers well & saves me valuable time.
i scooched {that's the technical term} a flattened cardboard box under the piece to protect the carpet.
finley and i watched let's make a deal while i painted.
i don't take the doors off.
wanna make something of it?
i often don't paint the inside of the doors.....this time i did.
i painted 2 coats.
aj likes to take pictures of me while i'm doing projects.
i was just touching up a scratch here....
note to self, get rid of that shirt.
i've been wearing flowy {read: frumpy} shirts lately...what with my blossoming figure and all.
i can see this one is not doing me any favors.
i look like a teal marshmallow.
so there you go.
the a.d.d. girl's guide to painting furniture. :)
Pin It
Monday, March 7, 2011
the front room {slowly but surely}
i'm doing some rearranging in the front room.
it's a far cry from "done" but it's already so much better.
i finally finished painting the shelves/entertainment center.
then we moved the couch to the wall it was on and put it on the wall you see when you walk in.
i like it so much better.
i bought the bins for less than five dollars each {on sale} at target.
i was super excited because all the baskets and bins i had been seeing were around 10 bucks each.
i haven't figured out what else i'm going to put on the shelves yet......i want it to be cute and functional.
books would be the obvious choice but the boys already have a tall bookshelf in their room for that purpose.
i'm going to keep everything on these shelves things that sawyer can play with freely.
the big boys' older-ish toys will stay in their closet.
i like the wire bins but i'm not sure what to put in them....again, i still want it to look good and it can't be so small that it falls through the holes.
any suggestions??
i love this old wire bin of books....
i bought it for like a dollar at the thrift store.
that is a happy, happy find. :)
and my globes...
i think it would be cool to have a whole sea of globes up there.
the two little ones are from uncle bruce and the large one was from the salvation army thrift store.
and here's the other wall....
ignore the pillow {or lack of} situation.
i haven't been doing too much sewing lately.
i miss it.
here's a close up of the metal grid...
since i haven't found the right frame yet, i just clipped that vintage book page right up there.....under my garland o' old looking calendar pages.
i need to add some more photos to fill in the grid. . . . one of these days.
my productivity is pretty dang slow right now.
but it sure does give me a little boost to see this room looking a little better.
and oh by the way, it would be really nice to have an alice. . . . .like from the brady bunch. Pin It
it's a far cry from "done" but it's already so much better.
i finally finished painting the shelves/entertainment center.
then we moved the couch to the wall it was on and put it on the wall you see when you walk in.
i like it so much better.
i bought the bins for less than five dollars each {on sale} at target.
i was super excited because all the baskets and bins i had been seeing were around 10 bucks each.
i haven't figured out what else i'm going to put on the shelves yet......i want it to be cute and functional.
books would be the obvious choice but the boys already have a tall bookshelf in their room for that purpose.
i'm going to keep everything on these shelves things that sawyer can play with freely.
the big boys' older-ish toys will stay in their closet.
i like the wire bins but i'm not sure what to put in them....again, i still want it to look good and it can't be so small that it falls through the holes.
any suggestions??
i love this old wire bin of books....
i bought it for like a dollar at the thrift store.
that is a happy, happy find. :)
and my globes...
i think it would be cool to have a whole sea of globes up there.
the two little ones are from uncle bruce and the large one was from the salvation army thrift store.
and here's the other wall....
ignore the pillow {or lack of} situation.
i haven't been doing too much sewing lately.
i miss it.
here's a close up of the metal grid...
since i haven't found the right frame yet, i just clipped that vintage book page right up there.....under my garland o' old looking calendar pages.
i need to add some more photos to fill in the grid. . . . one of these days.
my productivity is pretty dang slow right now.
but it sure does give me a little boost to see this room looking a little better.
and oh by the way, it would be really nice to have an alice. . . . .like from the brady bunch. Pin It
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