Tuesday, March 8, 2011

how i do

so . . .  i thought i'd show you how i paint furniture.

i don't do it the right way.

if you want to learn the right way to paint...head over to young house love & get yourself educated.
they do a wonderful job and have a bazillion tutorials.

i however, do not have the attention span for long, drawn out processes.
i like immediate results, so that's how i paint.
the only time i've painted something the right way was when i painted my dining room table
i knew it would get used mulitple times a day, so i needed to do it right.

but everything else i paint is usually on the spur of the moment, during naptime, as quickly as my little hands can go.

i didn't want to sand and i didn't want to haul our ent. center outside, so i got paint & primer in one.

it's a little more expensive but it covers well & saves me valuable time.

i scooched {that's the technical term} a flattened cardboard box under the piece to protect the carpet.
finley and i watched let's make a deal while i painted.
i don't take the doors off.
wanna make something of it?
i often don't paint the inside of the doors.....this time i did.

i painted 2 coats.

aj likes to take pictures of me while i'm doing projects.
i was just touching up a scratch here....
note to self, get rid of that shirt. 
i've been wearing flowy {read: frumpy} shirts lately...what with my blossoming figure and all.
i can see this one is not doing me any favors. 
i look like a teal marshmallow.

so there you go.
the a.d.d. girl's guide to painting furniture. :)
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  1. Yeah, that's my kind of painting! I really need to be better about just buying the paint and going for it. I tend to "mull" things to death and sit on them until I forget about it, which is pretty unsatisfying.

    Do you have curly hair?!?!?

  2. I like that approach. Get it done and smile.

  3. yes...i just usually straighten it. :)

  4. That's so funny. I was thinking, "What a cute shirt! Love the color!" when you said you needed to get rid of it. Isn't it funny how other people's stuff seems so much better than our own? I can't tell you how many times I've begun to despise something I own only to have someone come over and drool over it.

    Anyway, I love your hair, too! You should wear it like that more often.

  5. Yes, please do. For all us girls with stick straight hair who have to curl it every day ;)

  6. yes i love your hair like that too its so CUTE. YOUR ANONYMOUS FRIEND. :)

  7. thanks for the sweet hair comments. I have been wearing it curly more lately...it is easier. It's just unpredictable and sometimes I end up looking like a hot mess. :)


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