Wednesday, March 9, 2011

little saw buddy

our little sawyer is at such a fun age.
he's 2 and just about everything he says is adorable. just about.
i will say he has also been really testing his will lately.
so it helps to remind myself of all the cute things that come out of that sweet little mouth of his. :)

so here are some of my favorite sawyerisms....

"bye-bye, see you waiter" {anytime he decides to run away from me}
"heyyyyyyy" {said in a very low voice when you're doing something he doesn't like}
"He hurrrrt me" {said when he hurts someone else. or when he does something wrong, he says the toy hurt him.}
"choo choo hain"
"fuit snacks, fuit snacks, fuit snacks. . . " {said everytime he gets in his car seat}
"i want cozy" {i want a blanket}
"hold you" {when he wants to be held}
"das right" {whenever we're going over colors or animals, etc. he asks me what color it is and when i say the color, he says, "red, das right."}
"yesh" {yes}

we are crazy about our little sawyer.
he gives us so much joy. :) Pin It


  1. Aww, I love that. Reminds me that I need to do a post like this ASAP because the days are slipping away from me and I'm already forgetting what it is my littlest guy says. I used to be much better about it; what's my problem? :)

  2. Sooo cute!! I remember that age all to well. Our Aaden is now three and it is so amazing to hear how much his speech has developed over this past year. Time flies when you're having fun. Enjoy him!

  3. Aww I like when he said Choo choo train.:)

  4. aww thats to cute. your ?friend

  5. Ali says "hold you" too! So sweet! How exciting, a baby girl!!! Congratulations, so happy for you. :)


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