Friday, March 25, 2011

public service announcement

you wanna know something i LOVE this time of year?

holy cow, they are so good.

before you get all grossed out and think they are a mini version of those cadbury eggs with sugary sweet yolk in the is a picture of the bag {so you can run to the store and by some yourself. you can thank me later.}
 {so sorry it's backwards, i took it with my webcam}

the description is "solid milk chocolate with a crisp sugar shell. "
there is something about that sugar shell that is so darn addicting.
the only thing that would make them better is if they were dark chocolate. 

i hide a stash in my desk drawyer and eat a few {or 20} when i get the hankerin. 

now run to the store right now and buy yourself some. you are welcome.

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  1. I am so with you!! I love those things... it's like they almost have a hint of a caramely taste. I'm gonna have to get some now!

  2. ummm these are my weakness every Spring. they are EXTREMELY addicting. They have them in dark chocolate as well... just have to look... the bag is a darker purple with gold lettering I think.

  3. not a fan. more of a jellybean girl, myself.

  4. WHAT. they come in dark chocolate?!?! stop the world. why did i not know this? why have i been fooling around with milk chocolate? okay, i will be on the hunt. thank you ashley for letting me know!! :)

  5. OH. MY. GOSH. I have been IN LOVE with these for YEARS!!!! A coworker introduced me to them back in the day...and lets just say, I buy them out of season too.

  6. I love the minis and the big ones! Yum!

  7. I SOOOO agree! Those things are a bigger weakness than the Dove chocolate eggs.


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