Monday, March 7, 2011

the front room {slowly but surely}

i'm doing some rearranging in the front room.
it's a far cry from "done" but it's already so much better.

i finally finished painting the shelves/entertainment center.
then we moved the couch to the wall it was on and put it on the wall you see when you walk in.
i like it so much better.
i bought the bins for less than five dollars each {on sale} at target.
i was super excited because all the baskets and bins i had been seeing were around 10 bucks each.
i haven't figured out what else i'm going to put on the shelves yet......i want it to be cute and functional.
books would be the obvious choice but the boys already have a tall bookshelf in their room for that purpose.
i'm going to keep everything on these shelves things that sawyer can play with freely.
the big boys' older-ish toys will stay in their closet.
i like the wire bins but i'm not sure what to put in them....again, i still want it to look good and it can't be so small that it falls through the holes.
any suggestions??

i love this old wire bin of books....
i bought it for like a dollar at the thrift store.
that is a happy, happy find. :)

and my globes...
i think it would be cool to have a whole sea of globes up there.
the two little ones are from uncle bruce and the large one was from the salvation army thrift store.

and here's the other wall....
ignore the pillow {or lack of} situation.
i haven't been doing too much sewing lately.
i miss it.

here's a close up of the metal grid...
since i haven't found the right frame yet, i just clipped that vintage book page right up there.....under my garland o' old looking calendar pages.
i need to add some more photos to fill in the grid.  . . . one of these days.

my productivity is pretty dang slow right now.
but it sure does give me a little boost to see this room looking a little better.

and oh by the way, it would be really nice to have an alice. . . . .like from the brady bunch. Pin It


  1. Oh, gosh, I need an Alice too. The website with her name is really nice because they send me toilet paper, but if they would also clean the bathroom before it's installed, that would be the best.

    I love the cute vintagy stuff on your wire wall rack thing! I'm sure there is a technical term for it but I dunno what it is.

    I'm also a fan of the globe collection idea. My friend Selina @ is going to be doing a tutorial on how to do an awesome wall collage using an old world map and a bunch of canvases. It would look really cool on the wall with your globes. She hasn't posted it yet though, so it's actually kind of mean of me to even tell you about it.

    Looks like it's really coming together. I don't know how you are getting anything done. Aren't you tired all the time? Put your feet up or something!

  2. Sara, all YOU need is time. you don't need money or a decorator. you have all the creativity anyone needs!!!

    well, I'm talking in terms of decorating. who doesn't need an alice to help with the cleaning?


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