Thursday, March 31, 2011


how's that for a clever title?

yesterday was a pretty dumpy day.
one of those days you just want to go to bed and start over the next day.
praise Jesus, His mercies are new every morning. 

one bright spot in our day was the boys' dentist appointment.
yes, i'm serious.

look at this place.
my boys love to go to the dentist.
who wouldn't, when the waiting room looks like this?
it's basically a play land, and oh-by-the-way, you get your teeth checked.
the fish tank has all the fish from finding nemo in it.
sawyer loved it and was saying "nemo!" and "nemo's daddy!" over and over. :)
my older two boys are rock stars at the dentist...seriously, who wouldn't be?
they have bubble gum flavored gloves.
yes, the technician is wearing a hot pink formal.
she was also wearing chuck taylors.

sawyer was a bit of a pill.
no x-rays for him.
i love that they do all the boys at the same time.
they are watching movies in the ceiling.
they each have their own movie.
ummm, is this what your dentist is like? this is not how i experienced the dentist, that's fo sho.

even at the cushiest dentist imaginable, sawyer still nearly bit the lady's finger when she tried to brush his teeth.
how dare she.
so, he was not great.
but he still got a prize and a sticker.
each boy gets a coin to use in the toy machine when they're done.
the boys are counting the days until they get to go back. Pin It


  1. I will not be showing my kids these pictures because they will think I am a mean mommy for not taking them there. I truly love our dentist (Dr. Roark) but maybe for them I should consider switching...

  2. That's amazing. I wish I could go to that dentist myself.

  3. Insane. makes our dentist offices look frumpy and dumpy.

  4. okay WHERE is this place. Our dentist is straight out of the 70's.

  5. We go there too and the boys love it! They are actually so quick, we hardly get time to hang out in the waiting area! Aidan was a pill the first time I took him but great after that. Zachary just went for the first time and loved it. They let him put the bubble gum gloves on his own hands!

  6. we went early just to have time to play in the waiting room. :)

    it's on joyce by the new arvest.

  7. Holy cow! I thought ours was cool because they had a train table and video games. Did you find out your kids have 11 cavities? Because that's what happened when I took MY kids to the dentist. And we get to fix all 11 of them next week. I will put in a request for some upgrades while I'm there.

  8. Sooo jealous over here! I would LOVE to take my two to the dentist there. Too bad we're all the way in Washington State! The videos in the ceiling are! So cool.


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