Friday, March 11, 2011


seriously, we are over the moon.

okay let me start from the beginning.

yesterday aj and i went in for my routine, monthly check-up.
the doctor quickly listened to the heartbeat and then put the monitor in his pocket.
we were talking about something else, who knows what.
when i sat up, i asked him what the heart beat was.
he said it was 158.
i smiled at aj and said, "it's a boy."
i was thinking about the fact that i've seen that heartbeat before....three times, in fact. 
the doctor asked us to remind him what gender children we had at home.
i told him we had three boys.
he said, "oh forget it, it's a boy."
i nodded and said, yeah, i'm assuming it is.
he went on to explain something about how some women have certain ph balances that are more inclined for one gender or the other, blah, blah, blah.
aj and i were kind of joking about that when the doctor asked if we had a minute.
he said we could do a quick ultrasound to check the gender if we wanted.
we have our official ultrasound next month so we were thrilled to get to have one earlier.

we went into the ultrasound room and i said, "we're looking for a pee-pee."
i told her about the heartbeat and she said "those can be deceiving."
so aj and i were looking up at the big tv on the wall.

i was saying, "hi buddy" and looking at the sweet little hands and face moving all around.
i was so happy to get to see my baby.
there is nothing like it.
instant love.

aj & i both thought we saw a little boy pee-pee.
i asked him if he saw it.
he said, yes.
then i hear the ultrasound tech talking, but her words aren't making sense.
she said, "well you got lucky this time, it's a girl."
"what???????" {insert very confused face here}
"it's a girl."
"no, it's not."
"yes, it's a girl."
aj told me later i told her "no it's not" about five times.
i kept asking if she was sure.
she was sure.
i told her i thought we saw little boy parts.
apparently i should not be trying to read ultrasounds.
she said no, that's a little girl.

i put my hands over my face and bawled.
aj was grinning ear to ear, kissing me on the head.
i asked her to check one more time.

i just could. not. believe it.
i think that is the most surprised i have ever been in my whole life.
i felt like i was in shock.
i could not wrap my brain around what she was saying.
it was like i was hearing the words, but they weren't making sense to me.
i think i stared at aj with my mouth open for the longest time.

we walked out of the office in a daze and went to get coffee.
we kept saying, "can you believe it?" over and over.
we have not stopped smiling since.

it's hard to believe this is real.
i feel so overwhelmed with thankfulness and joy.
i keep telling Jesus how sweet He is to me.
to bless me with the desire of my heart. . . that i didn't even know i had.
a daughter.
i can hardly fathom it.

i am so crazy in love with my three boys.
i am so glad God gave them to me.
and now i get to have a daughter as well.
my cup overflows. Pin It


  1. This is such very exciting news. Congrats! I must be one of those pH cases...we have six boys. Yes SIX! We really wanted a girl, but it wasn't in the cards for us. My boys are all healthy and happy so I am forever grateful!! All the best to you both!!

  2. That is awesome! I got goose bumps when I read that God was giving you the desire of your heart that you didn't even know you had. Love that. He is so good! Congrats!

  3. Oh my goodness I get to babysit a Neufeld girl! I'm so excited for y'all!!!!!!

  4. YAY, YAY, YAY!!! So glad to be blessed with my 3 boys and last of all my little girl. So glad you get to share in both as well!! God Bless!

  5. so excited for you all! what a great surprise...we still don't know what we're having but will find out in about 2 months. blessings to you all!

  6. Even better hearing whole story!
    She is going to be one spoiled little girl with three brother doting on her...

    I can't keep from grinning about it.
    I'm rejoicing with you!!!


  7. So happy for you! Congratulations! I am an only girl with three older brothers. It's extraordinarily annoying/special to be that girl....and I always felt like I had a very special bond with my mom. I am so glad for you!! (However, if that babe arrives and somehow the technician was wrong - how lovely would it be to have 4 beautiful boys?? :) Enjoy this special time.

  8. Yay!!! :o)
    I am so happy for you!!!
    Wow, a sweet baby girl with three older brothers!! :o)
    Have a great weekend.
    Sincerely, Trish

  9. I am SO EXCITED! She is going to have the BEST big brothers.

  10. What exciting news!!

    She will be the safest little girl around with those older brothers!

    What a lovely blessing...

  11. Congratulations!! I know you have to be absolutely thrilled for a little girl and all that pink!

  12. OHHHHHHH!!!! Sooooo excited for you! What a surprise! God is so generous and amazing; I always like to say he loves surprising us and proving he always knows what's best. Little girls are an incredible blessing. Congratulations to your family (loved the video so much!) Laura


  14. Wooooooooohooooooooooo! So excited for you!!

  15. Congrats!! Now their will be 2 queens. Let the sewing begin :)

  16. yay!!! so exciting!! congratulations, sara :]

  17. And so, I’m having a dreary day. God is here, strong even in the dreary, but I still needed a smile. So I came here, knowing I’ve never once left without smiling, and it worked.

    A baby girl. I think “squeeeeeee” is the appropriate word. No? The story is told like only you can tell one – and the boys will all have somebody to protect. And I was smiling. Then the video. Thank you.

    God Bless and keep you and all of yours


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