Thursday, March 17, 2011

around here this week. . .

smoothie mouths.
finley's "crooked house."
i love having toys down here on these shelves now.
it's not all of their toys so it's not overwhelming.
it really helps with sawyer during home school days.
the big boys can take turns entertaining him in there if the other boy needs to concentrate.

playdough also helps.

i love playdough.
it's the best invention ever.....besides legos.
i know some mamas hate the stuff.  i get that.
but we love it.
good for the fine motor skills.
keeps sawyer happy and occupied during school work.

fosters that creative thinking.

we keep all the play dough & accessories in a plastic bin.
we pull it out, grab a placemat, & he's good to go.
it takes 2 minutes to clean up.
love it.

sawyer also thinks it's hilarious to lift his shirt up and show everyone his tummy.
it probably doesn't help that his older brothers laugh hysterically every time he does it.

and yes, we do home school in our jammies.
every time.'s going to be in the 70's for a week. hip hip horray.

and may i remind you....i'm having a girl!!!! :) Pin It


  1. Are you going to talk about what names you're thinking about? That is one of my all-time favorite things to discuss, even when I'm not pregnant! Even with 3 girls of my own, I still love daydreaming about sweet little girl's names. I can't wait to hear what you pick!

  2. Sorry, this is my husband's account. That last comment was from Dana in France. :)

  3. aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww so fun!!!!!!

  4. oh and yes names are fun i love (NAMES)

  5. Good for you at less your not having another boy

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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