Tuesday, March 22, 2011

spring break, day 2.

we're having a wonderful spring break week.
the weather couldn't be better. 60's and 70's all week.
i think i am loving this no homeschooling a little too much.
it's amazing how much more i can get done around the house.
we've had a couple of play dates with friends and have more coming up.
i've slept in until the boys pile on top of me in the morning.
i've been reading Kiss by Ted Dekker  . . . i love a good novel.
the boys and i hiked around lake fayetteville. 
we've done a whole bunch of playing and relaxing.
such a fun break from the routine.
makes me really look forward to summer.

the beginning of spring at this rent house has been like opening a present.
we moved smack in the middle of winter, so i had no idea what was in store for us in the plant department.
it seems like some new plant is popping its head out every day.

the boys and i love going around the yard exploring all the new spring beauty.
it's been such a fun surprise to see all the many plants coming to life.
i think there are irisis popping up...which i LOVE.
and strawberries. {yay!}
and many things that are still a mystery to me.

i love these bushes because they just yell spring to me......the beautiful red flowers poking their heads out of an otherwise bare plant.
love this purple clad tree....do you see the nest? :)
the blossoms smell soooo good.

another super fun surprise . . .yesterday i started feeling her move & kick. :)
today i have felt her move all day.
what an enormous gift and blessing it is to carry a child.
i am so, so thankful. Pin It


  1. LOVE some Spring surprises in the flowering foliage department! And some spring-ing in the uterus department! :)

  2. 70's? For real? We are excited to hit 45 here in Idaho. I think it will be at least another month or two before we can hope for 60's. I love it here, but spring in the northwest is always late, late, LATE. So lame.

    Your yard looks like it will be beautiful! And that looks like a dogwood bush and a magnolia tree, but I'd have to ask my husband. He's the one who runs a plant nursery. I can't even keep our houseplants alive.

  3. And I will put the pics of what I got for my B-day on my blog ok.

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  5. How lucky for you to have such wonderful weather! I'm jealous...up here in Chicago it is still hovering around the 40's (but my tulips and irises are starting to poke up -- yay!). Your magnolia tree is just lovely; scent their purpley pink blooms always make me swoon.

    Enjoy your spring break!
    Christine @ www.TheLovelyHome1.blogspot.com

  6. I just saw those purple bloomed trees (magnolia?) yesterday for the first time here in France and was reminded of how the Lord blesses us, even in the details. I loved those trees when we lived in Tulsa and never thought they would be here as well. I'll have to sneak into someone's yard and try to smell them... :)

    One of my favorite things about pregnancy is feeling the baby move. I think the more babies we have, the more I love it. (We have 4 kiddos as well.)

  7. okay sara, you've REAAALLLLY got me missing arkansas about now!
    i loved all the flowering trees so much! ;)

    i also loved the winters there = (short and sweet)

    our spring break brought yet another snow, and it came JUST when the grass was starting to show after being covered for nearly 4 mo. straight.

    even owen was asking if/when we'd be going back. ha!

    there ARE things I like about living here, but man, winter is not one of them.

    thank goodness for our gym membership with childcare, or i don't know if i'd survive!

    ps - kira did a great job on your new design - looks GREAT!

  8. Hey Sara! Glad you are enjoying all the Spring blossoms...I miss them this year!! We planted most of them about 4 years ago so they really pop now :) The tree out front is actually a tulip tree although it may resemble a magnolia...just fyi :) Let me know if you need to know what else is coming your way! Just wait....in April/May the peonies will be in full bloom (if you don't mind, maybe I could get a bouquet from you...they are my FAVORITE!!!). Congratulations on the baby girl!!!

  9. thanks for letting me know, alisha! i actually just discovered the peonies today! sooo excited!!! i think they are the most beautiful flower ever. yes, come get a bouquet, of course!! i wondered who planted everything. we are really really enjoying it all. :)

  10. So fun!!! That's my favorite part! I am so glad you are at that point in your pregnancy where you can truly feel the blessing you are carrying.

    Love you!!!


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