Monday, March 28, 2011

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

i'm happy to report that our spring break week was wonderful.
so nice to take a break from routines, schedules, & homeschool.

before my kids were in school, spring break was just the same as every other week except that i didn't get to have mother's day out or bible study.  i did not appreciate it.
now i look forward to it as much as the kids do.
and even better...we're on the home stretch of school... 6 weeks of school left!!

one day this week a couple of friends and i took our brood of 11 kids to the oklahoma aquarium.
it was so fun!
they have a lot of tanks at kid level and many that they are allowed to touch.
very cool.
i love an activity that is fun for my 8 year old as well as my 2 year old.

we ate lunch outside & the kids got to play in a giant sandbox.
my friend stacy and i sat on the edge and daydreamed about being at the beach.....

there was an exhibit with raised pools that held creatures the kids could touch.
they could have stayed there for hours.
i had to remind sawyer several times to be gentle with the starfish.
poor little starfish....didn't even know what was coming....let's stop and take a moment to say a prayer for the little guy.  amen.
no, they couldn't be bothered to roll up their sleeves.
petting the stingrays creeped me out a little.
the last thing we did was go through the shark tunnel....right after feeding time.
there were a ton of them, swarming all around.
i tried to put sawyer up there on that ledge with them, but he was not having it.
he had a death grip on me.
he said "da sharks are scawy."
i pretty sure finding nemo is to blame here.
 i was a little nervous to do a big trip like this without aj's help and with so many kids....but it was really so great.
educational and entertaining = win-win.
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  1. that is so fun girl. :)

  2. Sounds like fun! You were brave to go with the kids outnumbering the grown-ups like that! I gave you an award on my blog today. Stop by and check it out!

  3. that aquarium ROCKS! My kids (and I) LOVE it! I am so looking forward to being closer...a yearly pass might be in order. So glad you had a great spite of the ratio of munchkins to adults! :-)

  4. *happy sigh* that looks SO FUN! Love all the pictures. I totally hear you on looking forward to spring break. I'm not homeschooling, but I have to make three trips a day to the school (40 minutes each trip) dropping off and picking up kids, so I am STOKED to have a week-long break from that. We have solid rain this week, but we're enjoying it nonetheless.

    BTW~ your hair is adorable curly, I'd give my left eyebrow for curly hair. Okay, maybe not my eyebrow, but it would definitely be nice. AND I picked up a bag of the cadbury eggs at Walmart yesterday and you're right~ they are addicting. My tongue is sore. Thanks ;)

  5. aaaawww your hair is curly haha it looks so cute haha.


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