Wednesday, October 6, 2010

bouldering with the cool kids

we had such a great weekend.
on friday night we went to a game night at some friends' house and played settlers.
crazy and fun, just the way i like it. :)

on saturday morning i went yard saling with a bunch of college girls.
i spent one whole dollar and came back with 2 shirts, a funky-cool trunk for the boys' legos and a flatware caddy.
that's a buck well spent, i say.

on saturday night aj & i went on a double date with our peeps, dasun & ashley.
it was aj & dasun's father's day present.
it only took us 4 months to get our act together and go.

we went to a bouldering gym and had a blast.
this is where we learned that our husbands are in fact, super cool.
thanks honey, that was so helpful.
by the way, i did not know he was doing that.
it was so fun to do an "activity" for a date. 
we are all pretty much busy bodies and love adventurous things, so this was great fun.
one of my very favorite things was this:
i spent pretty much every day of elementary school recess climbing on the monkey bars and coming home with hands full of blisters.
climbing is one of the few athletic things i actually enjoy.
and oh my word, look at my husband.
what a goober.
he looks like he's about to take off into some kind of weird ballet move.
love you, honeeeeeeee. :)

whew....that post took me forever.   blogger was kicking my tail on this one, but i got it done.

have a great day everyone....I'm so looking forward to a mama day with my boys.
oh how i love homeschooling!
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  1. Looks super fun! It's great that you have friends that you can do things like that with. Those pictures of your husband are hilarious.

  2. Hahaha!!! That was a great laugh, thanks! And great fun too, I'm sure!

  3. How fun! I've never heard of this place, we used to go to an outdoor place called "casa de pollo". They have a full moon night that is really neat.

    Yes, we are adopting...2 in fact, we are crazy:) maybe we'll see ya in Siloam.

  4. Woo Hoo!!! We had a great time too! Love you guys!


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