Thursday, October 21, 2010

if you're like me and still haven't bought your kids pumpkins to carve.

it pays to procrastinate.
well at least in this one instance.

the pumpkins are half off at walmart right now.
1.99 for any size pumpkin.
i got 2 big ol; huge ginormous hefty daddy pumpkins.
the boys are gonna be so excited. :)

you're welcome. Pin It


  1. Sara, Matt banned me from sharp objects after my last sliced finger. Otherwise, I would SO be there.

  2. We forgot to get our pumpkin while we were at Walmart last night and bought one at Publix instead. It cost us $5.99. Being from the Pacific NW and new to the South, I was in sticker shock! I've never spent more than $3 on a pumpkin before!

  3. I went to our Walmart to get a pumpkin. The only ones left had big brown spots and they cost $3.58! So instead I got a bag of mini pumpkins :)

  4. WOW! The ones at the Walmart near us are on sale for $7ish.

    Lucky you!

  5. Oh, and the pumpkins always sit on our porch uncarved. Don't tell anyone, but I'm super lazy.

  6. Oh, what I'd do for some pumpkin right now. Preferably pie.


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