Wednesday, October 13, 2010

what are you doing this afternoon?

i'm laying on a couch.
feeling the cool breeze float in through the window.
cozied up to this sweet, justwokeupfromnap boy.

ignoring that pile of laundry that needs to be hung.
dozing off a little.
studying these features.
 slowing down to enjoy this moment and take it in.

 he watches his big brother play computer.

i love that sweaty hair.
those sweet lips.
that nose.
i kiss him as long as he lets me.
i stop and take time to be still and be thankful.
i am so blessed. Pin It


  1. He is so stinkin' adorable. I love how all your boys have little looks all their own.

  2. I went to Costco, put away the groceries, popped a casserole in the oven, enjoyed some family time, ate dinner, rushed off to small group, came home to a giggling little two-year-old, and chased him around the house, gave him a bath, read him a bazillion books, sang him a lullaby, and put him to sleep.

    Say what?!? You DIDN'T want a run down of my day? Well too bad =)

    Cute kid you got there ;)

  3. So jealous that you have that little reflection of yourself to get lost in.

    Quietly awed by the responsibility you must feel because of your reflections.

    Glad that you slowed down.

    The hurrieder I go the behinder I get.




    No URL to leave - not blogging until I read enough of blogs like this one to learn how to write.

    Thank you.

  4. Awwww, Such a cutie! Missing Sawyer now.....


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