Thursday, October 28, 2010

a confession and a craft

 i've kind of felt not on top of my game lately as a mom.
do you ever have those times?
just can't seem to get my act together.
fall is a great time of year to do all sorts of kids' crafts.
you can go on nature walks, make crafts with acorns, paint pumpkins, bake yummy pumpkin treats, etc. etc. etc.
there's a million and 4 fun crafts to do with kids this time of year.
and i have time to do those things because i home school 3 days a week.

we haven't done any.

so, in an effort to not feel so lamo, i told the kids to go grab some leaves from the back yard and we'd make leaf rubbings.
it's the easiest craft in the world.
especially when your yard looks like this:

even sawyer could do it. 
it's fun for all ages. :)
 ignore his outfit.
he was still wearing his jammy shirt.

avery is learning cursive this year.
he loves it.


thank you all for your sweet comments and prayers about our house.
it's crazy and i haven't wrapped my mind around it all yet.
i am super excited to have a new house to decorate. :)
i'll keep you all updated when we find out where we're going to live.
holy cow, we're moving in 5 weeks!!!! Pin It


  1. i feel your pain. my confession? i didn't even buy a big pumpkin this year! we just bought four little ones and jackson plays with them by throwing them around the living room. poor kid.
    we did leaf rubbings yesterday! jackson thought it was pretty fun and audrey enjoyed eating a crayon. don't beat yourself up. you do so many fun crafts all throughout the year. and they see lots of creativity in you each day with the fun things you do around your house. you're an inspiration!

  2. i sure do like you and the way you see and say things. and i love those leaf rubbings! (never heard the term, but i do love a good gerund-turned-noun!) the colors are not fall at all and I loved that! Was that Finley's? I'm way excited you'll get to decorate a new house, too! (Atta girl!)


I love and so appreciate your comments! They make my day. :)