Saturday, October 16, 2010

oh happy day.

happy birthday to my sweetie sweet sister, hannah elizabeth.

you are a delight & joy to our lives.
i'm so thankful God gave you to us!
[FYI: i was pregnant with sawyer in this photo, i did not just eat too much for lunch]

and happy birthday to my hottie.
we were made for each other.
i love you!

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  1. Thanks, Sara!
    Say happy b-day to AJ for me!
    (even tho I'll see you 2moro)

  2. love your blog :) me thinks its very sweet :D

  3. What a special day to celebrate!! :o)

    I am in the process of getting all my home school plans back in motion!! I can hardly wait to get started again. :o)

    Hope you are having a great Sunday!!

    Sincerely - Trish


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