Monday, October 11, 2010

how we do date night

our favorite and most often occurring date night is in our jammies, (okay i'm in my jammies, he's in gym shorts) on the couch, a movie, and a big ol' bowl of this mana from Heaven: 
this stuff is so good.
and i'm not even a big popcorn girl.
but how can you resist something somethered in melty caramel?
it has it's own caramel wafer that you put on top of the popcorn & microwave.
it comes out looking like this:
then you stir it all up and you get this gooey goodness:
have y'all tried this stuff?
it will change your life.

aj got the kids in bed while i ran to the store for the red box & caramel popcorn.
it was a bit tricky to find it what with the other 412 varieties of popcorn on the shelf.
not to worry, i prevailed.

also, i think there should be some understood redbox etiquette.
while i was standing at the redbox machine trying to pick out a movie, some guy came up and struck up a conversation.
random man: "i wonder if robin hood is good...."
me: no response
random man: "have you seen robin hood?"
me: "ummm, no not the new version"
random man: "what movie are you looking for"
me: "ummm, i'm not sure...."
random man: "hey what's that movie about (pointing to my screen, and by the way there are 2 machines available)? could you click on it?"
i click on it.
me: "it's in spanish"
random man: "oh no i don't want that one. what else is there? have you seen this, have you seen that, does this one look good to you, blah blah blah blah"
then someone starts honking a horn and random man looks over.
random man's dad gets out of the car and directs random man to the other machine and i can finally grab my movie in peace and high tail it outta there.
that was weird.

i would just like to be able to read through my movie options without someone breathing down my neck thankyouverymuch.
but you know, i will suffer through almost anything to get a movie for a buck.

and by the way i don't even remember the name of the movie we watched.
how sad is that?
it was about some kid and wrestling.
it made a big impact. Pin It


  1. Sounds like our normal date night as well! =D Except I have NOT tried that caramel bowl of heaven that I now so HAVE to have! =) Thanks a lot! Just when I was BEGINNING to overcome all the tempting treats in my house you send me out to buy another! EVIL!!!!! ;)

  2. only two bags to a box? are they trying to help consumers stay away from gluttony? Movie nights aren't my most favorite b/c we don't have a couch in the same room with the tv (and I usually fall asleep anyway), but date nights are always good.

  3. was the movie you watched called "Legendary"? we watched it a few weeks ago and it sounds like the same thing! I found your blog through the Kennedy' random that I just happened to read this post! :)

  4. People with Crohn's can't eat popcorn. Suckers! :)

  5. I'm going to have to get some of that goodness next time I'm at the store!! Ideas for our next date night - thanks! :)


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