Wednesday, October 19, 2011

my precious gem

when ruby was just ten days old, sweet callie (callie granderson photography) came over to shoot some newborn pics.

this is the first time we've done newborn pictures...i wish we had them of the boys. 

she captured ruby's sweet, sleepy newborn self and i'm so thankful.

i'm so thankful for people with really good cameras and mad photography skillz.

i love these precious photos.
i haven't figured out how i'm going to display them yet.

i look at these photos and i think, "i can't believe that's my daughter."
i'm one blessed girl.

oh mercy. i die.
that cute ruffly goodness and her sweet little pink lips. 

callie used items from around my house for props. 
i would have never thought of using this old brief case but i love how it turned out.

aj came home for lunch during the shoot and callie was able to get this sweet

do you have great ideas for displaying newborn photos? do share.

{thank you callie.  i love them.} Pin It


  1. Where on earth did you get that adorable little ruffly outfit?! Those are the sweetest pictures...

    I personally have all of our babies photographed between 3 and 5 months. I have the pictures all hanging in my bedroom and every morning I wake up and look at those precious little blessings. I will treasure those pictures forever.

    Wherever you decide to hang them, they are sure to bring a smile to your face!

  2. awwww, precious ruby photos, sara. she ia a doll. have a great week.:)

  3. OMgoodness!!!!!
    How amazing to have these photos of your baby girl! I so wish I did this! She is seriously a beauty! I can see you are enjoying her oh so very much. :)

  4. Oh my goodness those are presh! I'm obsessed with that pink ruffley outfit!!!

  5. Thank you for the shout out!!! : ) I've started a pinterest board for photo display ideas: It's still in the works, but there are several good ideas there!

  6. Very cute, my favorite is the one in the brief case. Adorable!

  7. sara, i forgot to tell you...under your picture--under "about me" your family photo is missing one little adorable girl. gotta update that soon with ruby!:) have a good day.


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