Monday, November 7, 2011

a thankful heart

just sitting here this morning in my reindeer pajama pants, listening to the rain beat the windows, thinking about how insanely blessed i am.
as i snuggled baby girl this morning, she laid her head on my chest in complete contentment and i could not help but be overcome by how good my life is.
i have always wanted to be a mama.
God said yes and gave me the desire of my heart.
i do not take that for granted.
i don't understand why there are so many mamas in the world who want to hold their babies close and don't get to.
my heart aches for them.
and so . . . i snuggle my babies, and kiss their heads, and stare into their eyes and appreciate every moment with them.
i get to be a mama and
i am thankful.

i am so happy. 

p.s. those shirts are from snips 'n snails desgins.
p.p.s.  are you doing the happy day project?!

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  1. Those pictures are precious. I especially love the first one. I was just looking through our pics last night of when our youngest was born and saw one of the three older ones holding her. Melt. My. Heart. Being a mama can definitely have its challenges, but what an incredible blessing it is!

  2. That is so wonderful I'm so happy for you Sara
    God bless you and your family

  3. the first picture with your littlest's guy's mouth open is SO cute! i just realized all your kiddos' names have a "y" in them - was that intentional? i think that's neat...they're tied together but not alliterated.

  4. jessica... thank you! no, the y's weren't intentional. actually i just realized right now that they all have y's in their names. :)

  5. awww, you have a lot to eb thankful for.:)


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