Monday, August 18, 2008

It. Was. Awesome.

Last weekend our dear friends, Zach & Erin came home from Africa with their sweet baby, Addis. All their friends and family were at the airport waiting for them. It was a moment we had talked about and dreamed about for months. It really was amazing. The first picture is the big crowd waiting at the bottom of the escalator.

Here are the boys with our sign. Avery drew pictures of Addis and superheros on it. :)
Here we are cheering when they came to the top of the escalator!
It was so exciting!

Zach and Erin with their arms full of childrens.
Everyone was clamoring to get to him! Isn't he a DOLL?!

Congrats, Friends. . . we are thrilled for you. Pin It


  1. I am so happy for Addis and his family. I am also loving that cute green dress you have on! Is it maternity? You look great with that pregnant belly!!

  2. No, it's's working hard to go around my big belly! :)

  3. That is awesome... I love looking at all those adoption blogs, especially looking at all of the pictures of when they see the babies for the first time....

    you look great!

  4. 1. Thanks for the tear-fest! How amazing that little baby Addis' life will be forever changed!

    2. You look awesome in your green dress!


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