Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten . . . a lot of pictures

As I type, Avery is at his first day of Kindergarten. It feels strange. I wonder what he is doing right now.
We had a great morning. I made a big breakfast to celebrate his first day of school. AJ even got us donuts to go with it which was as much a gift for me as it was Avery! Both of the boys were excited from the moment they got up. I had everything ready from the night before. I even had my coffee pot ready to go! So our morning went pretty smoothly . . . even with the 30 pictures I insited on taking before we left. AJ took the morning off so we could take Avery together. I am so thankful for him and his desire to put our family first.

Avery loves his new backpack & lunch box. . .

Finley wanted to carry Avery's lunch box for him once we got to the school . . .
My big boy ready to go in . . . by the way, he was really into smiling with his mouth shut this morning for some reason. . .
He was happy to see a coloring sheet at his desk when he went in . . .
Avery and Mrs. Keylor . ..
Finley gave Avery lots of hugs. . .

Avery got right to work coloring his paper. If you've read my blog for very long, you know Avery LOVES to color and anything art really, so this was a perfect first activity for him.
AJ had to basically pull me away from the door b/c I kept looking in to see what he was doing. He just looked so darn cute sitting there in his uniform, coloring away. I can't wait to hear all about school this afternoon! Pin It


  1. He looks like such a big boy. I can't believe our babies aren't babies.

  2. So happy to see pictures of your big boy! I love his uniform and tennis shoes....such a handsome little man!

    Hope he had the best day ever!!

  3. Wow... what a milestone. Your firstborn's first day of school. Congrats!

  4. Hey Sarah,
    That is so fun! We are seriously thinking about Providence for Zander next year. I used to teach with Mrs. Keylor. She is great, you'll love her. You'll have to tell me how you like it. Glad his first day went so smoothly.

  5. I knew Stacy (Harp) Shankle's oldest boy was going to start at a classical school this year and I was wondering if it was the same one...and lo and behold I see her in your picture! I absolutely LOVE the idea of 2 days there and 3 days home. We've got a long time to decide but that model will be staying in the forefront of my mind.

  6. I canNOT believe it! I remember driving up to Springdale to visit you when you brought him home from the hospital. Wow how time flies!


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