Thursday, December 8, 2011

Noonday Collection Winner!!

thank you soooo much to everyone who entered, facebooked, tweeted & generally spread the word about our noonday collection giveaway.

congratulations to . . .

who said: My vote is for the herringbone throw or the cubist bracelet or the mittens are super cute... I love your site and am follower of yours. I hope I win.

yay Linda! email me or leave a comment with your email so i can give you your gift card code!

be sure to like krista's noonday collection facebook page....she'll be posting sneak peeks of new product, styling tips, giveaways and deals. 

thank you so much Krista for introducing us to this wonderful company!

okay, so here's a question for you all....when you looked at krista's page  did you think she looks a little like me??

well, krista and i met 15 years ago (holy cow i am old) when we were camp counselors together for three summers. 
she is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, btw. 
anyhow, the campers could never tell us apart.  

so, because i know that everyone needs a chuckle at 4:45 in the's a picture of two super cool girls in our matching shortalls & hair ribbons.

don't kill me krista.
happy thursday!!!

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  1. I literally just laughed out loud! Wow... I haven't seen that picture in forever. Too funny! Thanks for doing my giveaway Sara! I know our artisans would thank you too if they could. Enjoy your lovely mittens and let's talk soon!

  2. Oh, the memories! Love you both, sweet friends! (And, I CANNOT believe that was 15 years ago - YIKES!!)

  3. hahaha. that's funny. you look like twins. yes, she does look like you, or should i say, you look like her.haha.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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