Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Birthday = Yummy Food

I wanted to post of picture of my sweet boys, Avery and Finley on their first day of Kid's Day Out (preschool). They are loving it. As we drove into the parking lot, they both started screaming "Kid's Day Out!" Then Finley told everyone he passed, "dish (this) is my school." So sweet. What is also sweet, is having 5 hours to myself. :)

On Friday I turned 29! Wow, one last year in my twenties. I decided this is the last age I am turning. From here on out, I am 29. AJ took the day off work and spoiled me rotten. I didn't have to lift a finger. :) He made choc. chip waffles for breakfast. Which is quite a feat for a man who DOES NOT cook. In fact, one year he tried to make me breakfast for mother's day and gave me food poisoning . . . but that's neither here nor there.... So back to my birthday...AJ gave me a new bottle of my favorite perfume and scheduled a manicure for me that day as well. He pretty much handled the boys all day so that I could relax and have fun. I received so many sweet gifts from family & friends. Thanks, you know who you are! :)

That night we went out on a date to Noodles (thanks Jill) and for dessert & coffee at Common Grounds. I love going out with just my sweet husband.

The next night we celebrated my birthday again with my family at Friday's. All in all, I ate GOOD for my birthday!!

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  1. Happy late Birthday! I will be celebrating my 1st annual 29th later this month. As you can tell, I too have decided that 29 is the last age I will be turning! :) Anyway, glad you had a great birthday weekend! And that pic of the boys is adorable!

  2. Thanks! No one believes me about this being my last 29th, but I am sticking to it! NO one better tell me I'm 30 next year!!!

  3. a) Glad you get 5 hrs free ever once and a while! Can't wait til mine go to MDO!

    b) Happy Bday again!!!

    c) I think Greg has the shirt AJ is wearing in that last photo. :)


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