Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wild Ride on the Big Blue Tractor

Yesterday the boys & I went over to my Mom & David's for a little visit. Avery asked for a ride in the "big blue tractor." Grandpa David was happy to oblige.
Here we are, ready to go on our ride. Finley wasn't quite sure yet..... he decided to stand by Grammy & watch... As soon as we started going, Finley decided he wanted to ride too. . . .

Okay, now Finley's not so sure...and neither am better believe I had a death grip on my boys!
Okay, back down to a reasonable height....notice Finley's look of terror.....

Here we are at the end of the ride back up the they are feeling confident...notice Avery is practically laying down....I think he would have hung out if I'd have let him.

Thanks Grammy and Grandpa David...we had fun!!!

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  1. I was horrified to see your "wild ride on the big blue tractor". A girlhood friend of mine lived on a farm and her parents were checking the cows with her mother riding in the bucket of the tractor. They apparently hit a hole or bump, and the lady fell out. He was either trying to control the tractor, or didn't realize she had fallen. At any rate, he ran over her and killed her! Farm machinery, while it looks like lots of fun, isn't designed for joy riding, especially for young children who depend on adults to keep them safe. It's something I wouldn't have thought about if I hadn't known this family.
    I have never responded to a blog in my life--but I felt compelled to create a google acct. in order to respond to those photos. It could save a child's life--not just yours, but others who might see the photos and get the idea of taking their children/grandchildren on such a ride.

  2. Wow, I appreciate your comment. I do want to say though that we were not "joy riding"....We were going EXTREMELY SLOW. Honestly I really didn't feel comfortable with it, and was praying the entire time that God would keep us safe. I just didn't want to say no after Avery was all excited about riding in the tractor and I didn't want to steal his joy. But, your point is taken and we will not be taking any more tractor rides in the bucket, those boys are more important to me than momentary fun. On the other hand, you can't be so overprotective of your children that they don't enjoy life. We take risks with our children every day by driving in a car.


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