Wednesday, October 24, 2007


We pulled the plug.

No more network t.v. . . . well almost. We'd been feeling it for awhile...television was just taking up too much of our time and ourselves. For a few months now, I've been feeling disconnected from God. Every time I would think about it or pray about it, I just had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that the t.v. was a big problem. The Holy Spirit possibly?? But, I would just say to myself, "Self, you're just going to limit yourself and not turn it on so much." Self-control is hard when it comes to mindless entertainment. But it really is mindless and not improving me at all. It really is a waste of time. Anyhow, about a week or 2 ago A.J. and I started talking about it, and he was feeling the same way. Like, we are paying for bondage. It's so easy to get sucked in and spend an entire evening watching t.v. There are so many great books that I've wanted and needed to read but by the time we get into bed after watching all of our shows, I'm too exhausted. Besides the fact that the world and it's values are slowly creeping in and changing the way I think about things. Yuck, I don't want any part of that. Also, Avery has been asking for different toys he sees in commercials. "We need to buy that mommy." I do not want my children growing up thinking about the next new toy they want. I want them to learn to be content with what they have. They are so blessed to have the life they have, they don't even realize it.
So, a week ago Friday, we disconnected the t.v. service. I will say we aren't totally detached as we watch Friday Night Lights and The Office online. I felt sad immediately after I did it, like I was saying goodbye to an old friend. Honestly though, we really haven't felt that much of an effect. The boys have plenty of dvd's they can watch, we still rent movies, and we've been really busy. I just don't want to spend my days thinking about what's happening on this show or that. There are so many other worthy things to think about. Also, I haven't started reading like I'd like yet....I'm afraid I may be replacing my t.v. addiction with the I have an addictive personality?? Sometimes I just dream of selling everything we own and moving to a foreign country and finding a slow pace of life. I don't really know how to create it here. Maybe this is a step in that direction . . . Pin It


  1. You are awesome and set such a good example! I am glad to hear your craft fair was such a success!

  2. We've been w/o cable for a year now and you know what? Life goes on. Literally...L-I-F-E. We don't even have the local channels...we probably could if we'd get some rabbit ears but we're not wanting it bad enough for that. I have 3 shows that I watch online and that's about it. Sure, I miss it now and again but surprisingly not that much. You hit the nail on the head-I no longer think about what TV shows I have to be home for and live in that realm of bondage. So-welcome to the world of life w/o TV. You'll be amazed at how livable it is!

  3. I am so impressed Sara. I think that all the time.. I just haven't had the guts to do it. I totally agree about the kids wanting things... it gets so annoying. Can you watch Grey's online? I am addictied to that and Friday Night Lights. Everything else would be fine... oh wait, The View. ... and I sometimes watch Oprah...

  4. Traci, that's funny. :) So, I'm pretty sure you can watch just about anything online, it's a little funky, but it works. And ABC usually comes through w/o cable, so you should be good for The View. Not sure how that works in Ohio.... :)
    Thanks also, Jenny and Jonna! Go Jonna! I may actually post to my blog more often! Not sure if that's a good or bad thing...

  5. Sara,
    Chad and I decided to do the first year of our marriage without tv. It was so fun and successful that we kept it that way for a long time. He grew up in a home with the tv on ALL THE TIME. After about 4 years of marriage we got cable and it took over our evenings so quickly. We cancelled it after 2 months. We do Netflix and that way we can watch shows we like... The Office, Lost, etc. Good luck!

  6. Thanks Bekah,

    i've been meaning to figure out netflix...

  7. Sara, I admire your courage! TV is fairly consuming to me as well...I somehow justify the shows I enjoy because of DVR...I feel like if I am DVR'ing them then its not like I watch them all at once (although, I usually still fit it all in during the week) and I watch them commercial free which elinates a lot of time. Do I sound like I am making excuses? :)

    I too dream fairly regularly about going to a foreign land (Ethiopia) and living a simpler pace of life....

  8. I found your blog recently and was going back to read from the beginning. We kicked the TV habit this year for the exact same reasons you mentioned. We decided to start living our lives for God, and one of the first changes we made was cutting out cable. It's incredible how much more positive our home feels now without the negative influence of the modern media. I didn't want our son exposed to all of that, and we didn't want to overexpose ourselves to it, either! We do have streaming Netflix, so we can still watch some things (we're Friday Night Lights addicts, too!). It was the best decision ever!


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