Friday, February 1, 2008

Father of the Year

So I am sicky sicky girl right now.  Yuck.  AJ had a couple of closings he had to finish up work for this morning and then he came home to take care of the boys so I could go to the doctor.   When I got back this is what greeted me:
Notice it took all of the snow left in the yard to create this masterpiece!  AJ is such a good daddy!  He bundled them all up and took them outside to have some fun in the snow.  They really needed some daddy time and probably a break from sicky mommy!
How cute are they??!!
AJ said Finley wanted to make his own snowman, so this is it:
Avery made this snowball all by himself.  It's really heavy.  He rolled it all around the yard collecting every last bit of snow.
It was a big effort to push it up the hill!

Now my 3 boys are at the store getting me some medicine.  I love those crazy cats. :)

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  1. What a sweet hubby! Love the pics and hope you get to feeling better soon! It's no fun being sick!

  2. Yes, he does deserve Daddy of the Year! Good Job, AJ! I'm sorry you're sick.

  3. I'm sorry you're sick! We didn't get enough snow to make a fun! Your boys are so cute!

  4. That snowman is pretty cute stuff...your little ones are obviously cuter. Being a girl from Iowa I find it hilarious that most of the snow from the yard had to be used to create the snowman. :)

    Hope you feel better soon!


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