Friday, July 25, 2008

Running is Fun.

Sooooo, my boys are runners.  :)  If you've been reading my blog, you know that AJ's hobby is running.  He has run 2 half marathons and really enjoys it.  He trained really well last year so he was in great shape for the race he ran in April.  He has continued to run throughout this summer ---about 3 mornings a week.  He usually tries to do a longer run on the weekend.  He also plays basketball on thursday mornings for fun and another workout.   Working at Arvest this past year & half has actually allowed him to have a hobby which is a blessing for him.  Before that he was a youth pastor and before that a basketball coach so he really had no free time.  
Whenever we take walks as a family, which is often, Avery doesn't walk, he runs....the entire time.  So AJ decided he should get him some running shoes and start running together.   Avery was very excited!  So a couple of weekends ago AJ went on his long run and then came back to get Avery. 
First they stretched out....
I love these pictures...seriously so cute.  The song "I want to be just like you" (Phillips Craig & Dean) is running through my head right now. :)
Avery & his patient daddy running....
Last Saturday Finley had to get in on the action as well....

My running boys...I do love them.
Wow, just looking at these pictures again overwhelms me with emotion.  I am thankful beyond words for the blessing of these boys.   Pin It


  1. you have such a sweet family, sara!

  2. Those pictures are so precious... better than words.

  3. Oh, that was just the motivation I needed to train for this freakin' 10K I have to run in December. I love those pictures and can't wait for Noah to be able to run along side of his daddy!


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