Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sawyer @ 6 months

Our sweet baby boy is 6 months old.
He is one laid back baby.
He loves to lay on the floor and chew on a toy.
He has a wide grin that melts your heart.
He shimmies back & forth w/ a huge smile when you go to get him out of bed.
He is happiest in the morning.
He likes to be sung to. He stops what he's doing and watches me while I sing.
He holds his toes any time he gets a chance.
He's discovering his voice - lots of squeals and babbles.
He's content . . . which is a delightful surprise after the way he started out in this world.
He is a dream baby and we are in love with him.

I love you Sawyer Daniel. Where did 6 months go? Pin It

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