Friday, June 5, 2009

1st Piano Recital Ever.

Avery had his first piano recital last week. Pretty darn cute if you ask me. He looks so little and so big all at the same time up there on that stage.

He started taking lessons in February and has loved it. Over the Christmas break he started "writing" his own songs and playing them on the piano. We thought he might enjoy piano lessons.
He's enjoyed learning the notes. He likes to write his own sheet music. He's written probably 10 pages of his own "songs" and wanted to take them around to all the neighbors. Love that kid.
He played a song called "Party Cat." He didn't pick the most challenging song he knew. He picked the song that had a cool picture of a cat w/ a guitar. That's our Avery.

On the way there I asked him if he was nervous. He said "No, not at all." He was super excited to get to be on stage. He loves that kind of thing. He's always the one at events raising his hand frantically to go on stage.

No fear. Not real sure where he gets that from. I love that about him. Pin It

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