Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Love these girls

This past weekend was our 9th annual girl's weekend. You can read about past girl's weekends here, here & here. :)
These girl's are such a treasure to me.

We became friends over 10 years ago at JBU. I am so thankful that these have become life long friendships. Even though we live all over the country (and out), we have committed to coming together every summer for a weekend. We drop our lives and catch up for a few days. It is a fun, carefree, refreshing time. Each year is different depending on what's going on in our lives and it seems at least one of us is always pregnant...usually more. I am not pregnant, by the way.

I hope the girls don't kill me for posting this picture of us in our jammies. So, it's not super flattering, but it was just such a fun night ...Jenny's sweet dad bought us 10 pints of blue bell ice cream. We sat around and ate ice cream and talked & caught up with each other.

We had 3 little helpers this time. Sawyer, Halle, & Jane got to know each other as well. Sawyer & Jane even have the same birthday. I'm sure they'll get married.

By the way, I LOVED driving 6 hours to Dallas by myself w/ Sawyer. He was perfect and I loved the solitude. I really just enjoy some time to be by myself and think. That in itself was a gift. Pin It


  1. We'll take ya'll for in-laws any day! GW was great!

  2. I am so glad you girls got to do this! That's so fun! I'm sure AJ was glad to have you back home. : )

  3. You girls look so cute! And the babies look like they're having the most fun of all.


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