Wednesday, August 21, 2013

first day of school 2013

i have loved scrolling through instagram the last few days and seeing everyone's first day of school pics.
so. cute.

i was telling the boys how i vividly remember my first day of 7th grade.
i had a matching purple shirt {with the side in a t-shirt clip no doubt}, ruffly skirt and scrunchy.
pretty sure i had matching socks and fake keds as well.
i remember standing in front of the mirror in my room, admiring my outfit and my side pony tail and thinking how cute i looked.
never mind the fact that i always looked about 2 grades younger than i was.
i'm sure i rocked it. ha. ;)
....and suddenly i feel  super old.

yesterday was our big boys' first day of 5th and 3rd grade.
yeah. they are crazy old. it's nuts.

the boys wear uniforms and we are dorky and like to all wear school colors on the first day. :)

if you're reading and saying to yourself, "hey i thought she homeschooled??"
i do. part time.
our boys go to a college-prep, university model school which means they attend classes at the school two days a week and i home school them the other 3 days.

avery and his buddy sawyer {aka, big sawyer} rolling their ginormo bags in {a necessity for bringing books back and forth to school}.

this crazy cat needed to wear his pretend head set.

me and my twin. :)

i love that finley's teacher is funny and sweet. :)
i think he'll have a great year.

by the time i got to avery's class, they had already started so i just snapped a quick picture at his desk.

after drop off we have a tradition of heading to chic-fil-a and letting our little ones play while we decompress from all the craziness of getting everyone ready for the first day.

all of our first born boys are in the fifth grade together so we give each other lots of moral support. :)

it's always, always sad to see summer go, but we are thrilled to have our boys back at providence.
knowing that i will still have them home 5 out of 7 days a week makes it so much easier to start back to school.
plus we got our homeschool done early today and headed to the pool so that's pretty sweet.

yay for living in the south and having plenty of warm days ahead. :) :)

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1 comment:

  1. Look at me, I am even getting brave and even leaving you a comment on the blog. =) I loved all the pictures and I totally love you all matching....=)What a sweet family.


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