Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Half-Marathon in OKC

Well, good news: I'm alive.  I'm sorry for being such a terrible blogger lately.  Life has been pretty chaotic for us lately.  I will try to get back on track!

A couple of weekends ago we went to Oklahoma City for the Memorial Marathon.  AJ was running the half-marathon again this year with his dad.  Also running were Jill (AJ's sister), her fiance, Chris, his friend from JBU, Austin, and friends from Kansas, Joanna & Michelle.  We had quite a crew!  AJ's mom, the boys and I, Michelle's husband & daughters, and Joanna's sister, Christy were the cheerleaders. :)

It was a really fun, fast trip.  Avery & Finley had a blast playing with Ryan & Michelle's sweet daughters. 

Here are the runners lined up Sunday morning (5:30am) before the race.  Do you love their fluorescent shirts??!  I do! 
Joanna, Michelle, Jill, Doug, A.J., Chris, Austin
Showing off the PrairieLand Partner's logo.  AJ's dad bought all the runner's these shirts sporting his company's logo.
Here they are at the start.  I think there were over 16,000 runners.  It was craziness!  Total mayhem and we about lost half our crew before the race ever started!
Here they are at the 5 mile mark.  See, aren't the fluorescent shirts easy to spot in a crowd?!  Very helpful. 
Here are the boys and I waiting at the finish.  It was a bit chilly.  By the way, last year I was wearing a tank top & shorts.  This has been a stinkin' COLD spring.  Please, come Summer!!!  Avery is wearing Aunt Jill's coat. ;)

Look closely & you can see AJ running down the home stretch.  We almost missed him b/c he was running so fast.  He literally sprinted past us.  
Here is Michelle. She was about 20 yards behind AJ.  They were running together but when he got close to the finish, he ran ahead.  He felt bad about that.  But, he said there was a little girl beside him that was passing him and he couldn't let her beat him! ;)  
Here are Doug & Joanna on the home stretch.
Austin, sprinting by....he didn't even notice us standing there yelling his name. 
Jill & Chris finishing up.  They didn't even hold hands when they crossed the finish line.  How lame.  They're so unromantic. 
My stud runner and I after the race... Now I'm wearing Jill's jacket.   I'm so proud of him.  He ran the half (13.1miles) in under 2 hours and he felt great at the end.  

AJ really loves running and hopes to get Avery running with him soon.  His friend, Jon Piper was supposed to run with him.  He and Jon trained together this entire Spring.  A couple of weeks before the race, Jon got bronchitis.  So, that was a bummer.  They are hoping to run a smaller race together this summer.

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  1. i don't know how i didn't hear about all this training and preparation at our small group. i guess i need to pay attention better:).

    good job, AJ!

  2. Just looking at those pictures makes me exhausted! I'm impressed!

  3. We had some friends run that race too! I'm glad your alive and back to blogging!

  4. I was beginning to wonder if you had given up blogging! I'm glad you're back!

  5. She lives! Thanks for the post.... f-i-n-a-l-l-y!!!! AJ is quite the stud.

  6. It is so great to have you back!!!! Go AJ!!!


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