Friday, December 4, 2009

One of many ways to be His hands & feet.

How are you doing Christmas different this year?
How are you avoiding the commercialism?
How are you ignoring the expectations of how you should  do Christmas?

I love that so many people are focusing on the eternal lately. 
You don't have to pile a bazillion gifts under the tree b/c that's what is expected.
The "magic of Christmas" isn't santa and presents and reindeer.
It's the God of the Universe leaving his seat at the right hand of the Father and coming to us as a baby to be our Savior. 
What a great time of year to meditate on the God-Man who taught us how to love.  How to serve.  How to sit with the beggars and prostitutes and thieves. 
Let's join Him bringing hope to the hopeless and hurting.  And let's bring our kids along for the ride. :) Pin It


  1. yepper. totally agree. totally in with ya. let's do it and keep each other to it.

  2. I'm so with you on this...we actually just showed this years AC video at our churches annual womens christmas party this year:

    this year I'm feeling so non-stressed about gift buying as well...we've adopted the 3 gift rule for our kiddos (like the gifts of the 3 wise men..)
    1. Something you want
    2. Something you need
    3. Something to read
    (stockings will be from santa and we always read "Santa are you for Real" each year too...)


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