Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Quickly Now.

1.  This time of year is CRAZY.  I so want it to be relaxing, full of baking and doing Christmas crafts with the boys.  But, it's just not.  I know I'm not alone in this.  I just feel like I'm running, running, running.  The list is long.  One mama, 3, sometimes 4, kids.  I'm trying to just take it one day, one moment at a time, rest in Jesus' presence, and only do the most important things.

2.  I want it to snow.  If it's gonna be this cold, it just needs to snow already.

3.  We had the best time getting to participate in the Potter's House Giveaway Day on Saturday.  It was so great to get to serve with our kids.  I think it helped make it tangible for them.  They loved helping the families pick out gifts.  I loved getting to pray over these families and love on them.

4.  We attempted to have family pictures done on Sunday by my friend and awesome photographer, Jonna.   Sawyer was not in a good mood.  He cried/fussed 94% of the session.  Avery made goofy faces 79% of it. 

5.  I'm leading the craft for Avery's class party today.  With Finley and Sawyer's help.  Good times. Pin It

1 comment:

  1. love having this window to your days and thoughts and the organization of it all...love how you just 'sign up' and take it as it comes, all with a smile on your face :). I'm imagining a smile, at least.


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